My feeling are that anymore they should give the ring for the first one you ever shoot then patches there after.
You need a ruling body to set standards but it is just that the ABC has let some of the standards get away from them. You have to have standards for gutter depth, tolerances in the lane surface, lane length, pin spot locations, etc. If not the proprietors would start cheating on these as well.
They need to reign in lane conditions and ball technology. But now that it is at this point it is awfully hard to take it back.
BOWLERS want these things. But the majority of people who participate in leagues are not BOWLERS but they are people who happen to enjoy bowling. They want to enjoy a night out and don’t care if they are deluding themselves with their scores. Probably 20% of the sanctioned play is by BOWLERS, 30% are by recreational score chasers, and the remaining 50% it doesn’t matter because their scores will not change regardless.
I’ve seen it happen many times. A house changes their shot to increase scoring better than any other house in town. If the other houses don’t follow suit they will hear a giant sucking sound as many of their league bowlers (the 30%) will move to the higher scoring house.