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Author Topic: Just call me...  (Read 886 times)


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Just call me...
« on: August 08, 2008, 03:38:27 PM »
A sucker for a good deal. I just bought a bite the other day, I go on buddies site and low and behold, no mercy on clearance for 98 bucks. I tried hard not to buy it but I couldn't help it. I need help. I haven't even got the bite drilled up. It just looks so good good I had to get it.

The difference between Ordinary and Extraordinary is that little Extra.



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Re: Just call me...
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2008, 02:26:10 AM »

And I thought you were gonna say:


Big Willy Style

PS...DA-DA-DA-DUN!  DA-DA-DA-DUN! A man walks donw the street, and he says,

Why am I soft in the middle, now, why am I soft in the middle and the rest of my life is so hard...


***EDITED to add link for people that are unaware of what I'm talking about...
Just my $0.02 so take it for what the Foreign Exchange values it at!
"I was raised by a cup of coffee..."
***This message brought to you by the A.O.B.U.B.O.A. (Assembly Of Back-Up Bowlers Of America) which is now taking applications***  

Honorary Member of the F.O.S. (and also the best back-up bowler the Saws have ever had)!
Visionary Test Staff Member '08-'09

Edited on 8/9/2008 2:43 AM