Channel Surfer,
You are a mess. Your approach is in need of a major overhaul. Where do we start..? The size of your steps should be like they are when you're walking down the street. Those things that you do shouldn't even be called steps.
Now, it's OK to be sideways, but then you should start sideways. This way, you're already in position from when you start till when you finish.
Also, your slide foot should be facing your target when you slide, not twisted to the left at the line. Your whole body should be facing your target throughout your approach and follow through.
You're also finishing about a foot to 1 1/2 ft. behind the foul line. You should be at the foul line when you release the ball. When you work on your steps, and after increasing them in length, you should be closer to the foul line. So this will correct itself naturally, I hope.
We're going to stop right here with my advice. Because this is plenty for you to be working on at one time. Remember though, that your average will probably go down as your working on your game.
Good luck and don't despair. Because after you have the kinks worked out, your average will sky rocket up higher than where it is now. =:^D