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Author Topic: PBA TV shows need to be more exciting  (Read 1532 times)


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PBA TV shows need to be more exciting
« on: November 16, 2003, 12:56:52 AM »
I know that the pros are bowling on more difficult conditions
than us league bowlers but if they want to promote bowling and
get more people interested they need to use a condition on the TV
shows that will make for higher scores. It seems that almost
every week one of the bowlers will manage one good game and then
it goes to h---. Today's show was a prime example. Both Allen and
Wiseman had one good game and then in the finals they both looked
like the rankest of amateurs. You are never going to get the average
TV viewer to watch if the pros bowl 180 on the show. Maybe they
should change the oil pattern for the TV show. Use a challenging
pattern all week and then use an easier pattern for the final. I'm
an avid bowler and even I get sort of tired watching, supposedly the
best bowlers in the world, shoot 166, 180, etc. As far as I am
concerned today's show wasn't very exciting. I can't get too
excited watching anybody shoot at unmakeable spares. Am I all wet
or do some of you out there think the same way?


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Re: PBA TV shows need to be more exciting
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2003, 04:08:30 PM »
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Re: PBA TV shows need to be more exciting
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2003, 04:10:51 PM »
I don't remember watching anyone shooting at "unmakeable" spares...Parker left a 3-6-7 and a 3-6-7-9, both of which should be converted, especially at that level.  Wiseman left the 2-10 a couple of times as well as a 6-7, all of which are convertable.  Just because an idiot announcer proclaims them nearly unmakeable does not make them so...

To change for the show and wall them up is almost as bad of an idea as having the baseball home-run derby held in a Little League park while using aluminum bats.  If either were to occur, you are not going to have an audience for very long.

Edited on 11/16/2003 5:08 PM


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Re: PBA TV shows need to be more exciting
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2003, 09:39:35 PM »
I agree somewhat with the replies but bowling unlike golf
and baseball doesn't have millions of dollars backing it
and its telecasts. Additionally bowling is only on once a week
and then for only a few months. So if you don't do something
to garner excitement and interest it is never going to get any
bigger. Personally I think watching golf is like watching paint
dry but that is a personal opinion. If the bowling shows
were more exciting, like the Robert Smith match the first
week, perhaps we wouldn't continually be discussing if bowling
is going to last. Perhaps in some places the lanes are
busy, but here, with the exceptions of couple of nights a
week none of the places are full to capacity.


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Re: PBA TV shows need to be more exciting
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2003, 10:58:30 PM »

for years and years there were walled conditions making for huge scores. It didn't do squat for attendance or interest in watching bowling programs. Get with the program, as written by the new PBA management, like it or not.
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Re: PBA TV shows need to be more exciting
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2003, 11:45:53 PM »
Think whatever you want, bowling is on the downside.  The reactive ball is what killed the sport of  bowling.  There is nothing we can do about it now, and hopefully they do something to make it more exciting, and I have to agree with allengrace, who wants to watch some pro shoot a 160 game?  Be honest, a average Joe, not a bowling Joe, wants to see alot of strikes.  Mabey to us that understand the game a little more wants to see the spare game also.  But if you want ratings, 300 games on TV will do better than 160's.
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Re: PBA TV shows need to be more exciting
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2003, 02:28:34 AM »
They're screwed either way.  If the scores are higher, it might make it fun for a while, but once you see so many 250's, it's going to become normal.  As it is right now, the average person that just flips to the show might think they suck.  Anybody remember the show that Learn shot the 11-something?  It was almost a joke, Pedersen got up there and didn't even look like he was really trying.  He had low game on the show with a 240-something, that's ridiculous.  The pros would hate a carry contest, and it might totally turn some of them off.  Voss is already up in arms about the equipment thing, which I totally support him in, so it'll just turn it into a circus.  The game's already lost enough integrity, and it needs to stop already.  What would then set the best apart from the rest?  There's a guy that bowls here that can't do jack on a sport pattern, but averages 240 on a wall show.  High powered tweener, he could easily compete with them on a wall.
The weekly signature series, by Hamster.

I was bowling one of the higher average scratch bowlers in league a month or so ago who bowls with average speed and maybe 5 revs from 1st arrow.  On one shot, he left a 9 pin.  Walking back, he frowned and said, "Nobody that throws a fag ball should leave that pin."


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Re: PBA TV shows need to be more exciting
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2003, 05:31:38 AM »
maybe they should get HOT card girls like in boxing to parade down the appraoch holding a big card showing what frame it is!
Thank you for reading my post.

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Re: PBA TV shows need to be more exciting
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2003, 12:31:25 PM »
While we're beating this dead horse, why don't we make the show really interesting?  Make them take 3 shots of bourbon, drink a 6 pack of beer, and smoke 3 cigars before bowling their matches on TV?  Instead of seeding them by their weekly scores, we could rank them by whoever makes the longest/loudest belch!  They could get extra pins for the "Pull my finger" gag!  Then maybe Joe Bowler could relate, and we could see who the REAL BOWLERS are!  LOL. J/K!
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Re: PBA TV shows need to be more exciting
« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2003, 01:22:04 PM »
It's not the split conversions that are bad it's when they miss any single pin spares!  Very little excuse for guys that bowl the number of games they do a day and week.  Professional bowling is just not what it was in the 70's

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