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Author Topic: Where's gsfdrvhoip ( previously Ice Storm)  (Read 559 times)


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Where's gsfdrvhoip ( previously Ice Storm)
« on: October 01, 2008, 05:23:01 AM »
What happened to this person?  They were all "gung ho" there for a couple of days, then just seemed to get "pissy" and run home, crying indignation at all the high scores being shot around him.

 He was mad at new equipment, yet made these remarks in a posts:

Group: Users
         Posted: 9/26/2008 3:45 PM    
I remember when some PBA members wanted urethane banned because it gave an advantage to crankers said Tommy Hudson.

Where is Tommy now? Bowling the Senior tour? Who knows? You can't stop progress or you can give up the Play Station 2 for an Atari 64!

  Is he in favor of progress or not? I can't tell from this.

Group: Users
         Posted: 9/27/2008 9:41 PM    
I love my Playmaker. Its my benchmark.

  If tht's true, then why say this:

Group: Users
         Posted: 9/29/2008 10:24 PM    
Well, I have a Cell, Neptune, T-Road Solid and an Ice Storm for spares. I also have an Ebonite Playmaker. I love my Cell, I shot 735 with it this summer and I shot 703 with my T-Road Solid. I match up well with Roto/Storm. The Playmaker was a gift, but it is a little over/under for my taste.

  How can a all that's too "over/under" be your benchmark ball?

 And, last but not least, this:

Group: Users
         Posted: 9/30/2008 11:10 PM    
So how come you are not on the pro tour? It is very discouraging for me to read people's profiles and see people averaging 220-240 and having 10, 20, 30 or more 300's, dozens of 800's and more 298, 299's than they can count.

So, I took my profile down and I will not re-post it until I get at least 5 300 games, 5 800 series and average 220.

I am too embarrassed since bowling leagues since 1975 and no sanctioned honor scores and no 800 series. One 299 in a scratch tournament, and one 299 and one 290 in open play to show for it.

Tonight we bowled against a team where all 5 bowlers were part of SASBA. All five bowled 700+ with one 300 and one 288.

Last week we lost all 4 games because we had to give up 200 pins a game, this week we lost all 4 games because this team bowled 3500 for the night.

This is why bowling is in decline. Handicap leagues are a joke, and people who should be making a living on the pro tour bowl leagues instead.

If you average over 220, with all due respect...leave the USBC and go pro where your 30 300 games a year actually will mean something.

I know this sounds bad, but I have decided to quit. I can't win for losing. I told my team our sub can be my replacement, and when I get a new job, I am going to request the 3-11 shift so I won't be able to bowl. I am tired of wasting the money just to get beat every week, and I am tired of 20+ years of averaging 195-205 just to once in a while to shoot 279 or 289 just to have the 7 or 10 pin stop me, shooting a low 700 and having some guy next to me shoot 850 when they should be doing that on the pro tour.

Sorry for the rant, but I am done.


  To top things off, he/she started many threads about "All time favorites", then I guess got mad and deleted those threads. If you are going to do that, why bother with asking us in the first place?

  I know this was long and "rantish", I am just tired of posers coming here and not contributing to the community, just being here, wasting their time and ours.  Whoever this person is/was, they are now and forever commended to my ignore list.

    Again, sorry for the length, it just aggravated me and I needed to vent.



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Re: Where's gsfdrvhoip ( previously Ice Storm)
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2008, 02:09:24 PM »
I dunno what his problem is... He acted like some of my friends when they come ask me for advice, then get mad because I don't tell them what they wanted to hear.

If you have your mind set on something already, why ask for others opinions?

Thats what I got from those "favorite" threads
High Sanctioned Series: 750
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Re: Where's gsfdrvhoip ( previously Ice Storm)
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2008, 02:47:10 PM »
Its not really that big of a deal but it pissed me off that they did the what bowling balls have you owned thread, go through the trouble to answer then delete it, cause they are a whining baby who needs attention.

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Re: Where's gsfdrvhoip ( previously Ice Storm)
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2008, 06:35:08 PM »
i was thinking the same thing but i didnt really feel like posting but good job lol


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Re: Where's gsfdrvhoip ( previously Ice Storm)
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2008, 07:03:04 PM »
Wow crying about 200 a game thats nothing 363 a game last tuesday night.. an 81 average shooting 512 thats a kick in the teeth. Ive seen it go both ways I guess hes not bowling for the right reasons.
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