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Author Topic: PBAX League Promotion  (Read 2823 times)


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PBAX League Promotion
« on: August 25, 2008, 10:39:59 AM »
Hey all, I need some suggestions. There is a local house trying to get a pbax league together for this winter. We had the meeting tonight and the response was very weak. The guy trying to do it sold the owner on 3 man teams instead of 4 or 5. However it is going to take help from bowlers to drum up enough people to make it fly. Everyone around here is accustomed to bowling on friction and they shy away from conditions like this. So how do you guys recruit people that may not be too keen on trying it? I've been talking it up since June but had little success. All ideas welcome, T.J.



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Re: PBAX League Promotion
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2008, 06:46:06 PM »
IMO, PBA league's do better in the summer. It's a way for bowlers to try their skills on the pro patterns but as soon as fall rolls around, they want to get back to their normal leagues. In my area I cannot see the PBAX leagues in fall doing well at all. It's just not good for the ego.
3 holes of fun!!


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Re: PBAX League Promotion
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2008, 07:14:37 AM »
The problem is, you have to have bowlers that want to challenge themselves on something other than a house shot.  If you don't have a good bit of interest in that, all the advertising and promos will not help at all.
Speed Kills
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Re: PBAX League Promotion
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2008, 07:49:46 AM »
The problem is, you have to have bowlers that want to challenge themselves on something other than a house shot.  If you don't have a good bit of interest in that, all the advertising and promos will not help at all.
Speed Kills
When in doubt, move out

Bowling egos are so fragile. They need to be nursed like tender flowers. Then they need to be cajoled and coerced to do anything different. And those are the MEN!!!
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
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"None are so blind as those who will not see."

Glen Hershberger

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Re: PBAX League Promotion
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2008, 11:43:40 AM »
You guys are so right about the EGO thing.
I see it all around here also and it's a shame because the people that should be willing to bowl on these conditions are NOT.
I personally love bowling on the PBA X shots.
Sure my average is going to be lower but i am willing to accept that fact.
You take most of the guys in my area that i would have trouble with on THS and put them in on the PBA X shot, now the scales are tipped in my favor.
Glen Hershberger

There are no bad balls, Just bad bowlers.

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Glen Hershberger

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Re: PBAX League Promotion
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2008, 12:05:07 PM »
You guys are so right about the EGO thing.
I see it all around here also and it's a shame because the people that should be willing to bowl on these conditions are NOT.
I personally love bowling on the PBA X shots.
Sure my average is going to be lower but i am willing to accept that fact.
You take most of the guys in my area that i would have trouble with on THS and put them in on the PBA X shot, now the scales are tipped in my favor.
Glen Hershberger

There are no bad balls, Just bad bowlers.

E-Mail (Local monthly tournaments) (The Best Balls out there)

Another thing they don't realize is one season on the PBA shots and their THS average will probably go up as well.  Narrow down your misses and you are better off.  My average went up 15 pins the first season after I joined a PBA X league.
Speed Kills
When in doubt, move out

Edited on 8/26/2008 8:15 PM


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Re: PBAX League Promotion
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2008, 02:50:02 PM »
I bowled a PBA league last winter(30 weeks), and after about 10 I was ready to quit. My THS average didn't improve, and my scores at the USBC nationals didn't improve, so what did bowling on that condition do for me? All it did was get me frustrated. I'm not going to bowl regionals or megabucks, so please tell me what the purpose is to make people realize they aren't as good as the guys they see on TV. Plus it got irritating watching the left-hander play the first arrow ON EACH OF THE PATTERNS. WHAT A JOKE.
Me stupid. Me believe anything. Please tell me what to do.


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Re: PBAX League Promotion
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2008, 03:23:00 PM »
Didn't your team win the league?


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Re: PBAX League Promotion
« Reply #8 on: August 26, 2008, 04:07:34 PM »
Damn Mike, I forgot you were on here. Yes yes, we did win, but all three of us got REAL lucky playoff night and you guys didn't. I didn't mean to say it was a bad league, it was a very good league with good people, it's just tiring mentally to bowl on that stuff.

I hope you get a good turnout this year, but only Rob is coming back from our team. For me it was a money issue too, but I wish the best of luck this year.
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Re: PBAX League Promotion
« Reply #9 on: August 26, 2008, 04:57:32 PM »
I hate that people find PBAX Leagues too damaging for their ego. If I had a choice I would only bowl on PBAX Conditions, except in tournaments, where I would have an obvious advantage over people who bowl a majority of the time on house conditions.


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Re: PBAX League Promotion
« Reply #10 on: August 27, 2008, 09:05:08 AM »
Whose ego are we talking about here? The 90% who work hard all week and when they go to league want to have a couple of beers, shoot some decent scores and relax from the grind of the day. Or the 10% who think bowling should be a difficult grind it out sport all the time. When you say Bowler A isn't as good as he/she thinks they are because they bowl on easier conditions, isn't that your ego and not theirs saying it?


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Re: PBAX League Promotion
« Reply #11 on: August 27, 2008, 10:08:56 AM »
I have bowled a few PBAX leagues the last few years, and from this point forward will always bowl at least one "Sport" condition a year, it has helped my spare shooting i.e plastic and straight at everything.  I does take time to learn that.  I have seen a lot of guys try to hook the lane at a corner pin and the ball never makes it back.  Anyway, we rotated the conditions last year week to week.  We had a lot of people frustrated and trying to play a THS on these conditions and you can imagine how that worked.  PBAX takes team work to learn how to break/play the patterns.  This year we are going each pattern for five weeks so hopefully there will be a little familiarity.

Anyway have a good day and make bowling a sport!  Bowl a "sport" league!


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Re: PBAX League Promotion
« Reply #12 on: August 27, 2008, 10:20:45 AM »
At the house I bowl at the most, the back wall was full of 300's, so many that they started hanging them from the ceiling. Personally I have never heard any one in the building mention a pbax, although there is a sweeper every tuesday and a t.o.c. at the end of the year for all the winners of the sweepers during the year.
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Re: PBAX League Promotion
« Reply #13 on: August 27, 2008, 12:31:43 PM »
The houses near where I live have PBA or Sport leagues here during the summer and fall but they are all short seasons, usually 13 weeks. I think that if someone is unsure if they would like to bowl on this type of pattern, a shorter duration may peak their interested instead of having to suffer 30+ weeks of possible misery.

Another thought is having this as an Individual Sports League. I bowled in this type of format this summer and found it fun and challenging.

Just a couple of options to think about.


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Re: PBAX League Promotion
« Reply #14 on: August 27, 2008, 07:31:24 PM »
I bowled in PBA X the last two summers and found that we were able to get a half season fall league with 16 singles together pretty easy. The center helped us give some incentive by allowing free anytime-practice from the first night until the last of the league. We went $15 for 2 2-Game matches worth 5 points each. Myself and a friend split the spot with him bowling the final week which was the mini-tournament described below (I was the league secretary and handled the payouts the last night). One other guy split with a buddy of his since he bowled three other nights and his wife was testy about the fourth.

We also did a sweeper the final night with it's own prize fund that we funded by charging a $25 franchise fee. The center did not charge us lineage for the final night so the full $400 went into the prize fund. We ran the sweeper as a 3 game qualifier and took 6 people into the bracket seeding the top two qualifiers right into the final four. One of the ladies who bowled and was near the bottom ran through the bracket that night as the pattern was one of the patterns she bowled well on.

It can be done with some creativeness.
Mike Craig-Columbus, OH
"Tell me Cup, how does a great ball striker like you shoot an 83? Well I lipped out this putt on 18......"

Mike Craig - Storm Bowling Amateur Staff - Westerville, OH