So last night we bowled on the Scorpion pattern. Eww is all I have to say.
The lane machine was broken apparently. When we got there, the mechanic had it out, open, and looking at something. So we started bowling, and it was this epic mass of pure slop. Everywhere you looked it was absolutely flooded. My ball moved zero throwing it quite slow, and I moved back about a foot on the approach in an effort to give my ball more room to hook. I was stopping like, easily a foot and a half behind the foul line.
Despite all that, I'm happy with how I bowled. I found myself angling the ball from the corner. I ended up with a 149, 172, 190. 6 opens on the night, 5 of which were splits. The makable open was in the 10th of the last game. I was near the pocket all night. Out of 30 frames, I missed the head pin completely only twice, and crossed over twice. I'm happy about that.
Next week I'm going to give my balls some more surface in hopes that it'll grab the lane a bit sooner and get into a roll.
But that broken lane machine makes me wonder if the entirety of this league has been like that, b/c I have struggled a LOT more than I did last year, as far as the ball reacting the same way twice. But it could also be user error; I'm in the midst of going from a 5 step to a 4 step approach, with a few other changes on my fundamentals.
Anywho, thanks for reading.
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