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Author Topic: PBS- Pocketability  (Read 1170 times)

Jesse James

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PBS- Pocketability
« on: December 09, 2017, 12:07:19 PM »
I bought two PBS balls last year and did a review on the Horseshoe, which I fell in love with right away. However, I forgot all about the Pocketability. It was still sitting on my rack, totally unused until this past November.

Took it to the TNBA Regional Tournament in Richmond this past November. Had no idea what to suspect because I'd only thrown it on a house shot once, and determined that the ball was way too strong for a THS.

Anyway, used it in Teams play, on a heavy oil shot, and was pleasantly surprised that I could get to the pocket very easily, while a whole lot of folks struggled to get their balls to even wrinkle! It was not spectacular or anything but it was very functional. I came away from that round, shooting a reasonable 608 set, which was the high, not only on my team, but the high set on the pair!

Most of the folks who shot in that round with me, were complaining bitterly about the toughness of the shot, and ended up shooting high 400 sets or low 500 sets.

So, even though I was tickled to be the high man on the pair, I was not necessarily happy about my performance with this piece. For a $99 ball, this is a great piece of equipment.

Even though the cover is strong(matte) it is not nearly as angular as the Horseshoe. It's angularity tends to show itself later, at the end of the pattern. I don't even remember the drill angles that I asked for on this one, only that it is a 3 inch pin, drilled with the pin over the ring finger and the cg stacked below it.

After being excited about this performance, I decided to go back and try it on our house shot, again. Our house shot is a medium oil shot which fluctuates between a heavy medium, to light medium, depending on whether it's position round or not.

It was not position round this past week, so it was the heavy medium pattern. My target was 7 at the arrows initially, migrating to 11 or 12 by the third game. I played a traditional down and in shot with no swing, all three games. I shot 236-244-235. This ball was consistent as hell and I did not need to make a whole lot of adjustments, regardless of all the other right-handers playing on the pair along with me.

Carry was excellent, and I am tickled that I have another weapon that is versatile and can be used in tournaments and league play. I will have to pay attention to keeping the cover clean, however. Of course all the lane shine has now altered its original matte condition.....but maybe that's a good thing!

Will report back if good things continue to happen!
Some days you're the bug....some days you're the windshield...that's bowling!