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Author Topic: What does the word "AREA" mean to you?  (Read 679 times)


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What does the word "AREA" mean to you?
« on: March 04, 2005, 07:04:30 AM »

This incident happened last night but I consistently see people posting the same garbage on this message board, so I thought I would address it here while I still feel strongly about it.

Having an "area" on the lanes is not the same as how many different boards your ball covers when traveling down the lane. "Strokers" always cry about how much area a "Cranker" has on the lanes. Sometimes this is accurate. Many times, however, they don't know their head from their arse!

Take Wed night for example, an older guy in my league who admittedly had a 5 board area (of room for error) that night,  was telling me during the 1st game that he was amazed with the amount of area that I had! I asked him what he meant by that and he said that I covered so many boards, yet hit the pocket every time. He said, I "could throw it anywhere on the lanes and get a strike!" Now this Wed night house isn't a big walled-up shot, and I have to hit my target, give or take 1 board, to get a good pocket hit. Now I cover a lot of boards with my throw, but anyone who would have watched the two of us bowl and thought I had more room than he did, would be an idiot! He threw with some revs up the 12 board and could miss 2.5 boards either way and still strike.

Am I the only cranker (or bowler in general) who gets tired of hearing this garbage???




sammy the sage

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Re: What does the word "AREA" mean to you?
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2005, 03:20:22 PM »

stroker's target is 5 boards wide...

cranker's definition of: my target is only 3 boards wide...and those boards have ARROWS on them...



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Re: What does the word "AREA" mean to you?
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2005, 05:58:43 PM »
Ha ha Sammy...

What Bob said is correct. Actually, I am trying to work on reducing my rev rate at this particular house and become more of a stroker-type. My problem is that some of the bowlers with the best averages in the house watch me and say that they want to be more like me. They want to "put revs on the ball like I do" and "be able to cover more boards when their shot breaks down." I've talked to them and they don't understand that I have to adjust my line way more and be more accurate than they do. Basically, they are simplifying my game and insinuating that if they used my style their scores would be even higher.

I'm not saying this for any sympathy. I just wondered if you crank the ball or throw with high revs, do other bowlers simplify what you do or annoy you by telling you how much area you have?