try this,...continue to move gradually through out the set, formulate a game plan. Normally with five man teams I'll fudge left on the approach/target at least a board every 3-4 frames AND especially in the tenth frame, that's free ball frame. I try and keep just left of the oil line all 3 games,..remembering that the oil line typically moves toward the center as the lineage builds up. Becareful in the beginning of game 2 and 3 for TWO reasons,...1. the break in rythm, tenth frames take longer, remember speed and firm in your opening frames. 2. Tenth frames increase the linage more than regular frames,..the most balls that can be thrown in a regular frame is 10, sometimes only 5, the line you are playing doesn't change much...but in the tenth frame, if 5 players all mark in the tenth, thats 15 shots on that lane,..possibly the equivalent of 2 1/2 to 3 regular aware of the transition,'s like driving in front of an oncoming rain storm,...jim