We had a stacked team on a short-season Tuesday night late league (started at 9:30 or 9:45, or whenever the first league got done before us!) a few years ago, nobody on the team averaged under 200. Very few other bowlers in the league were all that good. The only reason we bowled in this league is because it fit our schedules. We won something like all but four or five games the entire season. It was absolutely ridiculous.
Not going to be the same way this season in any of my leagues. I've been bowling absolutely
awful for the past two weeks (I went from shooting 700s every set to shooting 570-615 every set, I just forgot how to bowl out of nowhere, I can't even make a spare right now I'm so off), and it's kinda hurting our team in all of my leagues since they usually rely on me to bail them out by shooting huge games when we need them. But then again, everyone on all of my teams have been struggling lately, so we're losing bigtime. I think we're in about 32nd place on Saturday nights and 25th on Sunday nights, and I don't even know where we are on Tuesday nights. We're losing every game by 80, 100, or 150 pins. It won't be a perfect losing season, but if this keeps up, it'll be close.