If I do it right ----
1. Pick up ball, Wipe ball off any visible oil with the towel.
2. Standing at the end of the approach, waiting my turn, I put my fingers into the
finger holes and make sure they're set. Put the weight of the ball on my finger tips,
supporting the ball with my left hand.
3. When the left and right have cleared, I step up to my starting spot and place my left foot
(I'm right handed) at the right spot. I slide my left foot 2 or 3 times to be sure I can slide
(insuring there is nothing on it and I've removed the shoe cover if I had to use it
between frames).
4. I set my thumb, making sure thumb and fingers are in the right position,
relative to one another, depending on how I intend to throw the ball (different hand positions).
5. I target my spot (usually just beyond the arrows, then I make sure of my ball projection,
depending on the breakpoint. Then I set my shoulders to be sure they are aligned with
the target and the breakpoint.
6. I make sure my thumb is set properly in the thumb hole and my fingers are in the
right position for what I want to do with this shot.
7. I make sure of 2 things to think about: my short first & second step with the timing of the first ball movement, AND the target I aming for.
8. I go.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."