Thanks for the encouragement and advice.
As for missing too many spares, that is correct. I do shoot straight at them and don't miss many single pin spares. The problem is there has been a lot of over/under and I end up with more than my share of splits and washouts.
When I practice I try different equipment and lines from out to about 3 to as deep inside as 17. I have been working on getting more under the ball.
I am actually thinking of keeping one house league just for the reduced practice fee for league bowlers.

$1.75/game sure beats $4.50/game.
Tonight was actually a nice night. I started standing 23 hitting 10 with the PDW. I didn't like the roll, inconsistent and tracking a lot of oil. I pulled out the V2 Strong and it was a little better, but still not the reaction I wanted. I changed to the Hot Rod Pro Stock Pearl palying 10 standing 25. By the 3rd game the lanes were in transition and I wasn't getting the carry. I moved my feet 3 boards left and my target 2 boards left shot 179-187-184 with a 164 on the sheet.
I have to say they just changed GMs and the new GM is a lefty...maybe there will be a better shot

"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean