Dear Steven:
I always had a "technique weakness" in that I never rolled a very strong ball, but I was deadly accurate with a rather weak ball -- at least, weak in comparison to most higher-level players.
My accuracy was never a problem, and my spare-shooting ability was exceptional. I have gone entire league seasons without missing even one single-pin spare, and while bowling in the ABC nationals, I didn't miss my first single-pin spare until the sixth tournament, and I didn't miss the second one until tournament No. 11.
But the fact of the matter -- obviously unlike most other good bowlers -- is that each time I attempted to upgrade my equipment, I definitely rolled a few more strikes but I also had a few extra high hits and I often "paid the price" when I didn't make a totally accurate shot (and my carry was never exceptional, to begin with).
So as you imply, I'm an exception, but I dropped big-time in the "pecking order." And as ou say, spare-making is the same regardless of the era. But all of a sudden, my game (that included A LOT of single-pin spares) no longer kept me at or near the top of the area scoring ladder.
Contrary to what you may believe, I don't really have "a bone to pick" with modern-day bowling. And I don't blame anyone but myself for being unable to remain at the top of the local ladder. But regardless of how anyone looks at the situation, the modern-day scoring explosion certainly hasn't done anything to help league participation (or scratch/competitive bowling).
Thanks for your comments.