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Author Topic: Perspective (A guy I knew died last month)  (Read 1953 times)


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Perspective (A guy I knew died last month)
« on: June 28, 2018, 12:41:52 PM »
 The guy I knew was someone who bowled in the recreational league we have on Saturday evenings. He wasn’t special in any way that I’m aware of, and perhaps that’s the very thing that strikes me the most. He was just your average guy.

 Which means that, by default, he was just the average person who likes to relax, have fun, drink a beer or two, and bowl. He, by far, represented the great mass of bowlers out there who love and play the game. The people who actually keep the game alive.

 He threw an old, plastic, blue sparkle Rhino. He had a three hole grip in it, but he only put one finger in the thumbhole, and palmed the ball when he threw it.

 He couldn’t tell you the first thing about RG ratings, or CG placements. I’m sure he had probably never even heard of C.O.R or C.O.F., and probably only knew the term “mass bias” from having heard it thrown around nonchalantly by other people.

 He wasn’t out to cheat anybody out of anything. He wasn’t out to gain some strange advantage by throwing his ball the way he did, nor was he trying to cheat the system by having three holes in the ball and only using one of them during his delivery. He wasn’t turning the ball around nine different ways to get different reactions from it.

 He was just a guy, out doing what was fun, and enjoying life as much as he could.

 Just about a month before he died, he actually shot a 299 game with his old plastic Rhino, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone any happier, or surprised, than he was at that moment. He averaged about 190, and had never shot a 300. Now, for some reason, I find myself wishing that damn tenpin would’ve fallen over for him.

 But back to perspective.

 I’ve think mine is a little better now. Not everybody is out to be a P.D.W., Wes Malott, or W.R.W. Some, if not most, are just out to have some fun, drink a beer or two, and bowl. They couldn’t care less about CG’s or RG’s or MB’s, or any other technical aspect of bowling that we here seem to be capable of cussing and discussing about for hours on end, as it just doesn’t even matter to the vast majority.

 So, at least for a while, I’m getting off my soapbox about rules and regulations as far as technicalities go. Yes, there are some basic rules you should observe like staying behind the foul line and not lofting the ball 15ft, but right now, I just find it really hard to give a damn about hole counts and placements, or how many hands you throw it with. I just feel lucky to still be here, and be able to bowl, period.

R.I.P. Michael Goss.

 You’ve taught me more about bowling than I had learned in a long time.
Learn to laugh, and love, and smile, cause we’re only here for a little while.



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Re: Perspective (A guy I knew died last month)
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2018, 12:47:52 PM »
Good post - quite humbling. Always nice to see those that just love bowling for it's face value which is really just take a ball, knock pins down, and have fun.
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Re: Perspective (A guy I knew died last month)
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2018, 01:03:31 PM »

Agreed.  Nice reminder.  Bowling SHOULD always be fun.   

How will each of us be remembered when that "someday" happens?  Great bowler?  Tough competitor?  Someone fun to be around? 

Not all are of equal importance in the long run.  As we age we can, by default, lose a step, so to speak, competitively, but we can always be a person that others admire or love being around.


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Re: Perspective (A guy I knew died last month)
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2018, 01:11:40 PM »
If it ain't fun then you aren't doing it right for sure.  Seems like towards the end the memories you have and leave are lot more important than the stuff you did or didn't own.  Hope I can continue to enjoy bowling especially with my family until the end.
Here today.  Gone tomorrow.


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Re: Perspective (A guy I knew died last month)
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2018, 01:42:33 PM »
Nice heartfelt post.

Impending Doom

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Re: Perspective (A guy I knew died last month)
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2018, 03:37:22 PM »
I used to take bowling very seriously. I mean, like very. Too much. Then something happened.

I had kids.

I had to check my take no prisoners persona at the door. I want to show my girls the ropes and let them love it as much as I do. So we go out and play. We eat pizza, bowl a little, and I just let them get their little bodies out there and sit on the approach and find out what's over the foul line, and let my peaceful place become a place of peace for them. I don't entertain any challenges while I am out with them because THAT is supposed to be fun. There will be plenty of time for me to bowl someone one on one and feel that rush and let out a little aggression, but in the end, if I had to trade bowling ever again in a competitive environment for my girls to just love shoeing up and feel even a bit of what I feel when I'm there, I would stop right then and there.



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Re: Perspective (A guy I knew died last month)
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2018, 06:00:13 PM »
R.I.P. Michael, I wished we would have met..


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Re: Perspective (A guy I knew died last month)
« Reply #7 on: June 29, 2018, 09:35:25 AM »
Could not agree more!

The guy I knew was someone who bowled in the recreational league we have on Saturday evenings. He wasn’t special in any way that I’m aware of, and perhaps that’s the very thing that strikes me the most. He was just your average guy.

 Which means that, by default, he was just the average person who likes to relax, have fun, drink a beer or two, and bowl. He, by far, represented the great mass of bowlers out there who love and play the game. The people who actually keep the game alive.

 He threw an old, plastic, blue sparkle Rhino. He had a three hole grip in it, but he only put one finger in the thumbhole, and palmed the ball when he threw it.

 He couldn’t tell you the first thing about RG ratings, or CG placements. I’m sure he had probably never even heard of C.O.R or C.O.F., and probably only knew the term “mass bias” from having heard it thrown around nonchalantly by other people.

 He wasn’t out to cheat anybody out of anything. He wasn’t out to gain some strange advantage by throwing his ball the way he did, nor was he trying to cheat the system by having three holes in the ball and only using one of them during his delivery. He wasn’t turning the ball around nine different ways to get different reactions from it.

 He was just a guy, out doing what was fun, and enjoying life as much as he could.

 Just about a month before he died, he actually shot a 299 game with his old plastic Rhino, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone any happier, or surprised, than he was at that moment. He averaged about 190, and had never shot a 300. Now, for some reason, I find myself wishing that damn tenpin would’ve fallen over for him.

 But back to perspective.

 I’ve think mine is a little better now. Not everybody is out to be a P.D.W., Wes Malott, or W.R.W. Some, if not most, are just out to have some fun, drink a beer or two, and bowl. They couldn’t care less about CG’s or RG’s or MB’s, or any other technical aspect of bowling that we here seem to be capable of cussing and discussing about for hours on end, as it just doesn’t even matter to the vast majority.

 So, at least for a while, I’m getting off my soapbox about rules and regulations as far as technicalities go. Yes, there are some basic rules you should observe like staying behind the foul line and not lofting the ball 15ft, but right now, I just find it really hard to give a damn about hole counts and placements, or how many hands you throw it with. I just feel lucky to still be here, and be able to bowl, period.

R.I.P. Michael Goss.

 You’ve taught me more about bowling than I had learned in a long time.


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Re: Perspective (A guy I knew died last month)
« Reply #8 on: June 29, 2018, 10:14:10 AM »
A feel good story for sure. I enjoyed reading it. Thanks for posting it here. Old bowling geezers may not rule, but we do try hard each and every time we throw down the alleys. R.I.P. Michael Goss  :(