Yeah, obviously I'm easily peeved, but let's make this a fun topic. Mine include:
High fives in practice. I'm not trying to strike for at LEAST the first 8 minutes of practice, maybe not at all, just trying to get loose. Between watching the 8-10 people on the pair, there's all the information I need to line up. If I strike, it's luck, please don't high five me or make any comments about "saving some for later."
The idea that all women have to wear mechanical arms. I understand the need for support, but when support turns into a crutch and all the sudden everyone is trying to push wrist braces or gadgets onto women simply because they're female, that irks me.
The guy that starts slapping shots off after the front 7. Lol I know getting a lot of strikes in a row is fun, but when you slap off the 8th one and start walking several pairs over on somebody else's approaches watching each shot . . come on man (Barkley voice).
The longwinded guy that gets on this site and wastes a bunch of space complaining about everything. Wait . .