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Author Topic: Peterson Point System  (Read 8628 times)


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Peterson Point System
« on: March 31, 2009, 04:45:41 AM »
Next year our league is looking to go to the Peterson Point System. I'm looking for some more info. The info that I have right now is that your get 1 point for every 50 pin fall and 1 point for a win. These points will include handicap pins too. What got me is that say if I shoot a 699, I get 7 points for that week but the next week I'll receive another point after the first pin I drop. Not really sure how this will carry over from week to week.

I assume that this system will stop any sandbagging because it rewards you on what you actualy bowl. If you lose your match point 625 to 624, your opponet would get 7 points to your 6. Without the Peterson system your opponet would get 1 point while you get zero.

Also, my team is one of the lower average teams in the league. Will this system hurt us or help us.  Any imput would be helpful.
3 holes of fun!!



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Re: Peterson Point System
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2009, 12:57:38 PM »
I bowl in a Petersen singles league, and we use decimals for pinfall.  We also use a 6-week rolling average and a 10-pin maximum average drop from the previous season.

For instance, let's say it is the first week of league and handicap is established as 100% of 230.  My incoming average is 220, I bowl 690, and I beat my opponent 2 games and total.  The scoring for that week would look like this:

690 scratch pins plus 30 handicap pins = 720
720 / 50 =  14.40
14.40 Petersen Points plus 3 match points = 17.40 total points for the week.

Now since we use a 6 week rolling average and the following week is only the second week, we use a formula to calculate the rolling average.

(total pinfall) plus ((18 - total games bowled) * incoming average) / 18 = rolling average

So in this case it would be:

690 plus (15 * 220) / 18 = 221.

Wash, rinse, repeat!  Hope this helped.


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Re: Peterson Point System
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2009, 04:53:18 PM »
Every Peterson Point system I have seen is set up different. I bowled in a league that my father set up Peteson points in about 1990 or so. If I recall total points for the night totaled up to 30. I can't say what handicap was based off of due to never paying attention. Individual point for game and series. I think 2 points for team game and I think 4 points for total team series. I honostly don't remember. Somehow it added up to 30 points.
As far as stopping sandbagging it does to a point. However there are nights that you can shoot 600 and win all your points. Then the following week you can shoot 800 and lose all your points. It really keeps things tight and fun. I really miss bowling that league. I can't wait to move back home.


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Re: Peterson Point System
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2009, 05:14:49 PM »
I bowl in a Petersen singles league, and we use decimals for pinfall.  We also use a 6-week rolling average and a 10-pin maximum average drop from the previous season.

For instance, let's say it is the first week of league and handicap is established as 100% of 230.  My incoming average is 220, I bowl 690, and I beat my opponent 2 games and total.  The scoring for that week would look like this:

690 scratch pins plus 30 handicap pins = 720
720 / 50 =  14.40
14.40 Petersen Points plus 3 match points = 17.40 total points for the week.

Now since we use a 6 week rolling average and the following week is only the second week, we use a formula to calculate the rolling average.

(total pinfall) plus ((18 - total games bowled) * incoming average) / 18 = rolling average

So in this case it would be:

690 plus (15 * 220) / 18 = 221.

Wash, rinse, repeat!  Hope this helped.

Yes, it helped.

I like the rolling average. We usually use our entering average for the 1st 9 games but if you have 1 or 2 really good weeks early, it really hurts your handicap starting the 4th week.

Your league is singles. Our league is trios. I now understand how the individual points play but how about the team points? Right now we get 4 pts for a team game win, 2 pts for high series wood and 1 pt for high game.
3 holes of fun!!