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Author Topic: Finally figured out something that's been contributing to my struggles....  (Read 2490 times)


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So I really worked on my game over the last summer.  I ended last season with a 160 average, and really wanted to get better.  Some guys come to drink, I come to bowl.  Anyhow, I was doing really well over the summer, in a league I was never in before.  I was on a team with three guys from my fall league only one of which (my father-in-law [FIL]) is on my fall league team.  One of the other guys is my Uncle, and he's a much more avid bowler than my FIL.  He's not a great bowler by any stretch, but he at least knows enough about the game to give me tips here and there, and that's just what he did.  If I was pulling the shot or if I was popping up at the line, he could tell me.  It contributed to me posting a nearly 20 pin improvement on my average by the end of the league, which was on MUCH tougher conditions than my fall league.

Fast Forward to last night..

I look at my league sheet, and there I sit at 163 for the year.  I'm POSITIVE my fundamentals are better, I'm releasing the ball as well as I ever have, not muscling it so much, posting at the line AND getting down, all things I never did before.  I go into league nights with a good attitude about bowling, and wanting very much to be competitive.  So it finally dawned on me that the team I'm on (which is me, my FIL, my brother in law, and one other guy) is actually being bad for my game.  None of them know enough to help me out, or to point out the little mistakes that I make as a lower average bowler.  My brother in law carries a 190 or so average, but he really only knows HIS game.  Looking back, I realized the best nights I've had is when we were bowling a team with a real "student of the game" on it that would give me pointers.  I'm not afraid to ask, and I LOVE it when people offer up their advice. Aside from that, both my FIL and BIL are pretty negative, that sure doesn't help.

Now that I've put it together, I'm kind of bummed out.  I like bowling with my team, they're relatives, and I have a good time overall.  (I never drink, period.  Just so ya know.  )  What do you think I should do?  I really dont' have any recourse now, and it seems to me that our team may be unraveling a bit anyway, as we lost one man (we've been short a man for a month) and the other guys don't seem all that interested in bowling well.  I guess I should just tough it out and find myself another league next year, hopefully hooking up with a team of like-minded folks.  My aunt and uncle ( are serious bowlers, and got me going in the first place, so maybe I can get into their league next year.

Sorry there isn't a real question so much in this post, I just wanted to vent a little and I'm both happy and sad that I figured out what one of my key problems is.



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Re: Finally figured out something that's been contributing to my struggles....
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2005, 02:57:18 PM »
Splendorlex: In general, league isn't the time for acquiring serious bowling instruction. It's a distraction for those who you want to suck knowledge from.

Focus on technique and input from others during practice sessions. My main league partner and I practice for a few hours together each weekend, with the main focus being on helping each other and achieving improvement. Come league, it's business and execution.

Don't get me wrong -- it's OK to occasionally ask for pointers during league play, especially during times of struggle. Just be careful not to cross the line.
"Sometimes, the best move is the one we don't make"


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Re: Finally figured out something that's been contributing to my struggles....
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2005, 03:52:04 PM »
Splendorlex - Have you tried to locate a coach in your area? You may have to look around to find someone that is qualified.

It sounds like you're willing to make the necessary time commitment to practice and work on your game. Now find a coach who can ensure you are working on the correct things. Good luck and good bowling!


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Re: Finally figured out something that's been contributing to my struggles....
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2005, 04:06:23 PM »
Splendorlex, You PM'ed me a while back asking who I have my equipment drill by in Lake County. I PMed you back but you never responded. I have a proposition for ya. Sounds like you want to take your game to the next level. I'm not a pro (thats my goal though) but I can offer some pointers during practice if your interested. Ive been practicing Sunday Mornings from 9AM-noon or Monday Nights. If you want help, i am offering. I practice at Guttormsen Recreational Center (GRC) on Monday nights in kenosha at 8PM. Or on sunday at 9AM-noon at GRC or Antoich Lanes. Both places have specials on sunday morning. Something like $8-$9 for all you can bowl between those hours. Let me know.

Mike Zadler

Heh. Want a qualifed coach?? My dad is a Silver Level YABA coach (he coaches more then just Youth bowlers). Just offering help, Id need to talk to my Dad about coaching though. Could be worked out though.

Edited on 12/14/2005 5:00 PM
Mike Zadler


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Re: Finally figured out something that's been contributing to my struggles....
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2005, 04:41:07 PM »
I bowl in the Sport league that your uncle bowls in.
I'm sure he could help you with your game.
He's not a bad bowler.

He could probably get you onto a team of more serious bowlers.

Duke Harding

Bowling Coaches Web Site Link

"Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty  or eighty.
Anyone who keeps learning stays young.
The greatest thing in life  is to keep your mind young."
-- Henry Ford


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Re: Finally figured out something that's been contributing to my struggles....
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2005, 05:27:11 PM »
Seriously Duke?  You probably know my Aunt, too then...Lady Shredder, or Bubbles, or just plain Linda Tweety.    Interesting to know!  As far as lessons, I have gotten lessons from Brian Chilcutt (he's really helped me!) but I haven't had as much time to get up there lately.  I'm asking everyone in my family to get my various gift certs for more lessons though.  


Sorry, I must have missed that PM.  That's a definite possibility on some Sunday morning at Antioch.  Actually my Uncle and Cousins bowl there, and my cousin Bill even works there, we'll see what we can get worked out!  



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Re: Finally figured out something that's been contributing to my struggles....
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2005, 09:47:33 PM »
Seriously Duke?  You probably know my Aunt, too then...Lady Shredder, or Bubbles, or just plain Linda Tweety.    Interesting to know!  As far as lessons, I have gotten lessons from Brian Chilcutt (he's really helped me!) but I haven't had as much time to get up there lately.  I'm asking everyone in my family to get my various gift certs for more lessons though.  


Sorry, I must have missed that PM.  That's a definite possibility on some Sunday morning at Antioch.  Actually my Uncle and Cousins bowl there, and my cousin Bill even works there, we'll see what we can get worked out!  


Hey, it happens. lol You know, Next winter Im planning on changing my teusday night bowling location from Teusday Night at Bertrand Lanes (Waukegan Majors) to the Teusday Night leauge at Hawthorn for their sport shot, maybe we can form up a team for next year? Maybe find some other Ballreview members that are local and have a 5 man team?? Just an idea. Just let me know man, im ready for another practice session. My 1st practice session has already shown me good results. 10 pin spares. This week my stats on 10 pin spare shooting is 11 of 12 for the week so far. Last week this time it was 9 of 15. Practice does work.
Mike Zadler


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Re: Finally figured out something that's been contributing to my struggles....
« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2005, 10:05:01 PM »
Seriously Duke?  You probably know my Aunt, too then...Lady Shredder, or Bubbles, or just plain Linda Tweety.    Interesting to know!  As far as lessons, I have gotten lessons from Brian Chilcutt (he's really helped me!) but I haven't had as much time to get up there lately.  I'm asking everyone in my family to get my various gift certs for more lessons though.  

Small world. I don't recall a Linda Tweety.
Is she in the Monday Sport League?
If you can get up to Beverly on Tuesdsays, Lyle Zikes gives lessons.
Starts at 1:00 pm until about 3 or so. Bowling, Video analysis and lineage. Cost: $15.00.
I go a couple of times a month...It's cheap practice. And Lyle tkes rear, side and front video footage. It's a good deal. He's also a ball driller. Does good work.
Duke Harding

Bowling Coaches Web Site Link

"Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty  or eighty.
Anyone who keeps learning stays young.
The greatest thing in life  is to keep your mind young."
-- Henry Ford


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Re: Finally figured out something that's been contributing to my struggles....
« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2005, 06:49:50 AM »
Ok, you wouldn't know her then.  I sometimes for get that Curt is in a MILLION leagues and she just does the one.    I'll have to look into that thing at Beverly, it sounds like a good deal.  I've been interested in getting my speed and revs measured, know anywhere around here that has that system?


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Re: Finally figured out something that's been contributing to my struggles....
« Reply #9 on: December 15, 2005, 10:08:33 AM »
Ok, you wouldn't know her then.  I sometimes for get that Curt is in a MILLION leagues and she just does the one.    I'll have to look into that thing at Beverly, it sounds like a good deal.  I've been interested in getting my speed and revs measured, know anywhere around here that has that system?

Here's the link to Beverly Lanes website:

I don't know of any C.A.T.S. system in the Chicagoland area.

Duke Harding

Bowling Coaches Web Site Link

"Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty  or eighty.
Anyone who keeps learning stays young.
The greatest thing in life  is to keep your mind young."
-- Henry Ford


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Re: Finally figured out something that's been contributing to my struggles....
« Reply #10 on: December 15, 2005, 11:02:56 AM »
There is a CATS system at Four Seasons Bowl in Canton,IL . The owner, Jim Keith is also a Silver Level Coach.

Is Curt bowling any Senior PBA events any time soon ?


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Re: Finally figured out something that's been contributing to my struggles....
« Reply #11 on: December 15, 2005, 11:16:01 AM »
I know he's kicked around the idea of trying to join the senior tour, but that's all I know.

Rick Wunder

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Re: Finally figured out something that's been contributing to my struggles....
« Reply #12 on: December 16, 2005, 09:17:15 AM »
Curt has indeed bowled in three senior regionals since turning 50 in October.  He has cashed in all three, and made finals in two of them.  It is only a matter of time (IMO) before he has a title.


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Re: Finally figured out something that's been contributing to my struggles....
« Reply #13 on: December 16, 2005, 09:25:08 AM »
My first two hook balls were actually hand me downs from him, (Vortex I and Apex Addiction) unfortunately, it seems he had already used up all the 300s in them.