I've been posting on BBE about this subject. I figured I'd try to get some more insight here as well.
I bowled in HS but when school was over, I stopped bowling. 13 years later, I'm bowling again. Of course the ball I have is an antique Track Synergy and it's been good, but I think a new ball might help. I'm averaging the same (185) as I did 13 years ago, so I guess bowling is like riding a bike, lol, but I think I can do better.
I don't know the specs of my layout, but the pin is to the right of my ring finger.
I throw the ball about 14-15 MPH (according to the house radar).
The owner/pro says I have "good" revs, guessing in the 250-300 range. Obviously not a cranker. Last night I felt I was staying behind the ball a lot better, but scoring didn't reflect it as I left A LOT of corners.
My track runs about 2" from my fingers. The shot I throw with the synergy is standing on the 28, target is the 15 out to about the 10.
Balls I've been looking at are:
Roto-Grip Cell Pearl (recommended by the pro-shop) too strong?
Roto-Grip Grand Illusion
Storm Hy-Road
Lane #1 THS