Long story short........
A friend of mine (that I bowl fall/winter with) needs someone to bowl a PBAx league w/him and I've agreed due to, basically, his situation. I'm not really one to bowl more than 3 games per week on a sport pattern (I normally bowl one PBAx league in the summer) which is plenty for me because I LOVE my "off-season" and well.................that's all there is to that! I'm very passionate about bowling but when it's 80 and nice out............you see my point. lolz
However, the pot was made sweeter last night as I was subbing and, while casually conversing w/my teammate and my driller (who bowls in that league), my driller says he will let me pick ANY PIECE in the whole shop if I help my teammate. Thus, I said OK.
My options are:
A) Pick the ball
B) Let him pick it and show up to get it.
I don't want to make a bad choice. So what I'm doing is floating the idea out on here. Obv I'm not going to let anonymous posters who've never seen me bowl etc just choose a ball at random, but rather I'd like to see what the consensus is based on my current arsenal and my "stats".
I am:
PAP: 4 7/8" RT 1 1/2" UP
Axis Tilt 8-10 degrees
Avg Speed: 16-17 mph, "enough" revs
My current arsenal:
IQ Tour Pearl (at 2000 w/a strong drill, this ball handles plenty of volume for me)
Diva - (at 2000 w/ VERY light polish, my house shot killer)
Uproar - (3000 w/polish, ball also comes into play as it's stronger than I had anticipated)
MoJave - Old faithful
NOTE: This is more of a fun topic as I just want to gauge the general consensus.
If you were me, what would you get? Can be any brand, from super-oiler to dart.
NOTE: I'm NOT brand loyal, so all recommendations welcome.