I was bored tonight and I took some pics of my equipment that I use. Post pics of your equipment if you wish.
http://photobucket.com/albums/v379/ANamelessNumber6/Equipment/The order goes: MoRich Weapon of Mass Bias (Does it look like a color blem to anyone else, or just me?), Columbia 300 Piranha, MoRich Labyrinth, Brunswick Inferno, Brunswick Impact Zone #2, Brunswick Impact Zone #1 (despite what the picture says), Track Freak, Ebonite Eyeball, and MoRich Colossus. I also have a MoRich Pioneer downstairs that I'm going to get pics of eventually.
Member of the St. Louis, Missouri YABA
MORE Speed =
LESS time to
PANICCurrently Throwing:
Brunswick Inferno,
MoRich WMB,
MoRich Labyrinth,
Ebonite Eyeball,
Brunswick Impact Zone, and
Columbia 300 Piranha.