In case anyone cares, I am the good looking, short, fat, balding guy in the middle named Jim Kiser, otherwise known here at jkiser01. Alot of you know of me, so now you can see me!! (thanks to Corey!!)
We had a great time and if it wasn't for one of our bowlers (which will remain un-named) wanting to get back to Dallas so badly on Friday, we could have bowled as a stand-by team on Saturday. There where a couple of teams that didn't show up for the finals. That would have been alot of fun and put some money in our pockets as well..
I had a great time and thanks again Corey for the photos and congrats to Eddie for shooting a 300 and a 288 game. I bowled OK (averaged 200 for 4 games), but would have loved to try it again Saturday.. Oh well, maybe another time!!
If they only made a ball that would carry that d*mn 10 pin..
Edited on 5/29/2004 1:41 PM