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Author Topic: Drills to retrain my hand to "unload"  (Read 7130 times)


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Drills to retrain my hand to "unload"
« on: December 13, 2010, 11:15:10 PM »
Years ago when I was bowling more and bowling well...I had what many told me (very respected names in the game) was a good release.  I had a soft hand, VERY little load up at the bottom of the swing, and no grab at the bottom.  I could easily manipulate ball roll and play all over the lane.  I would never compare the release to someone like Weber...but that's the line I was on.  I had a revrate around 400rpms with no crowbar, and my hand finished completely open at followthrough.

Now fastforward to today...I haven't bowled as much the past few years...and haven't practiced nearly as much.  I have found the past 2-3 years that I tend to "help" the ball off of my hand at release.  I am finishing with my fingers "cupped" as if I'm LIFTING the ball not UNLOADING at the flat spot.

I made a switch to 16lbs a couple of weeks ago and started practicing a little again.  This problem has become much more apparent as I feel it in my hand after bowling a while.  I practiced for about 90 mins last night, and really struggled with "prying it off".  What I mean is my release is still clean and smooth, but my hand isn't finishing in the proper position.  I think this is making it difficult for me to replicate shots the way I am used to, since my hand is dictating the ball roll and not simply gravity.

Anyways I'll cut to the there a drill anyone knows to help me unlearn this habit?
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Bowlin for Beer

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Re: Drills to retrain my hand to "unload"
« Reply #16 on: December 14, 2010, 01:09:57 PM »
Isn't that grabby release, or not being able to unload, the result of early timing ?  If the ball is getting the line too early, you don't have time to unload because the ball wants to come off too early - the result is you grab, or at least claw, the ball on release.  That's what I've noticed with myself anyway.

The Stroke

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Re: Drills to retrain my hand to "unload"
« Reply #17 on: December 14, 2010, 01:16:07 PM »
I'd recommend posting your issue with the experts on

Thanks for the laugh, I needed it.


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Re: Drills to retrain my hand to "unload"
« Reply #18 on: December 14, 2010, 03:24:29 PM »
Try more forward pitch if your flexibility allows
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Re: Drills to retrain my hand to "unload"
« Reply #19 on: December 14, 2010, 03:29:29 PM »
Have you changed your grip over the years?

In general I would no, if you have a proper fit then the increased amount of hit in your release is due to technique rather than fit.

The only suggestion I might have would be possibly move your thumb pitch towards the forward direction and possibly decrease some grip pressure. Perhaps as you have gotten older and not bowling as much you have lost a little strength in the hand and are squeezing the ball some.


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Re: Drills to retrain my hand to "unload"
« Reply #20 on: December 15, 2010, 01:24:20 PM »
Thanks for the help dizzy but Scotts is on track...I''ve been bowling at a "little bit better than house shot hero" level for a few years.  Even now I can probably go to a tournament on something tough and not embarass myself.  I can just feel that something is amiss at the bottom of my swing.  I can get the ball on line, and can still throw spares...I just don''t feel my ball roll is near as strong as it was at one time.

My ball speed used to be 17.5mph or so off my hand, and I had problems on house walls with over/under because the ball got off my hand so clean.  Now I play much further left because I''m so grabby at the bottom and my ball speed is closer to 16.5.  My ball roll also isn''t as shot I''ll spin it a little, the next I won''t get around it as good.

Anyhow...I agree that practice is the answer.  I just don''t want to keep practicing whatever bad habit I have developed and make it even more a part of my permanent swing.

Little known fact:  In Russian "Hope" and "Change" translate to "Tax" and "Spend"
With your statement about the slower speed,inconsistent roll and grabby at the release it sounds to me like a possible grip issue.With the weight loss and reduced bowling maybe you developed some squeeze in your game because of a looser fit. Squeezing the ball causes all of those problems and more.

Edited on 12/15/2010 3:47 PM

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Re: Drills to retrain my hand to "unload"
« Reply #21 on: December 15, 2010, 01:28:28 PM »
I think a vid is a must here........