Years ago when I was bowling more and bowling well...I had what many told me (very respected names in the game) was a good release. I had a soft hand, VERY little load up at the bottom of the swing, and no grab at the bottom. I could easily manipulate ball roll and play all over the lane. I would never compare the release to someone like Weber...but that's the line I was on. I had a revrate around 400rpms with no crowbar, and my hand finished completely open at followthrough.
Now fastforward to today...I haven't bowled as much the past few years...and haven't practiced nearly as much. I have found the past 2-3 years that I tend to "help" the ball off of my hand at release. I am finishing with my fingers "cupped" as if I'm LIFTING the ball not UNLOADING at the flat spot.
I made a switch to 16lbs a couple of weeks ago and started practicing a little again. This problem has become much more apparent as I feel it in my hand after bowling a while. I practiced for about 90 mins last night, and really struggled with "prying it off". What I mean is my release is still clean and smooth, but my hand isn't finishing in the proper position. I think this is making it difficult for me to replicate shots the way I am used to, since my hand is dictating the ball roll and not simply gravity.
Anyways I'll cut to the there a drill anyone knows to help me unlearn this habit?
Little known fact: In Russian "Hope" and "Change" translate to "Tax" and "Spend"