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Author Topic: Awards?  (Read 3393 times)


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« on: January 18, 2004, 01:09:14 AM »
I just received my patch for shooting 700 last month.  Upon looking at it, and showing to a couple of relatively disinterested teammates (one of which remarked "another one to throw in the drawer, eh?") I began to wonder about why awards have not changed with the times.  Don't get me wrong, it's great to be recognized for an accomplishment, but a patch?  Maybe 20 or 30 years ago when people actually put these on their team shirts, but how many people do you see wearing a "bowling shirt" with their awards on it these days?

Keeping in mind the low cost of membership, which means the awards cannot be too costly, what would you suggest as updates (or options in case you already have 10 300 rings) for the current awards?  Or are you happy with the way things are?

I just thought up this topic, I'll think a little bit and post what I think the awards should be updated to later.

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Re: Awards?
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2004, 05:12:59 PM »
Good ideas 9 and killer,

I've gotten almost everything there is to get.  Maybe the standards should change again also because of the higher scoring conditions that we have.  700 used to be a good score with hard rubber and plastic but should be at least 775...theres a big difference from 700 to 775.  I think the purchasing idea is great, this would actually be an incentive for ABC to then maybe look into this if they could make a small profit on top of it.  Just my thoughts...
Rick Leong
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Re: Awards?
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2004, 05:14:53 PM »
9:  Seems like that is the trend everywhere now.  Of course, the majority of league bowlers don’t even wear a bowling shirt so there is nothing to sew it on anyhow.

I just recently started wearing a bowling shirt to league myself.  Figured I might as well look like a bowler.  Still haven’t gotten up the nerve to sew patches on it.  

The patches though are all the only benefit the majority of the league bowlers see for their ABC dues.  I know someone will jump in here with the bonding issue but all the leagues in my houses have in house banking.  Not a benefit to us.

In our leagues, the secretary holds the patches until our banquet and awards them along with the teams prize money.  Guys seem to appreciate the recognition rather than the secretary just dropping the patch off on a league nite.

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Re: Awards?
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2004, 05:23:35 PM »
IDea's for modern awards.

Sticker Tattoos. Imagine havin a 700 set tattood on your cheek.
Commemorative coins (an idea id love since i collect coins)
and id agree with killer that you would have to pay something to recieve the nicer prizes. i have 3 patches sittin next to me pinned on my cork board for (2)700's and a 150 over avg. DO i care about them? not at all , what else  would i or could i do with the patches? Truthfully i only care when banquet time rolls around and i recieve a cash prize for my set.

Aww shucks....another solid 5 pin   8===========D   O-:
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Re: Awards?
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2004, 05:45:02 PM »
The WIBC has a good idea. Instead of the standard award, you are given points.
The points can accrue for three years and are redeemable for merchandise. A
catalog of their items is posted on

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Re: Awards?
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2004, 06:13:38 PM »
9&awiggle and others that don't know what to do with those patches.  Over the years, I have saved those patches from 700's, Dutch 200, 7-10.  Then, I had them sewn on a wall covering.  Over time it looks pretty nice to see how the patches have changed and evolved.  Gives me added incentive to make sure I shoot a 700 every year.



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Re: Awards?
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2004, 06:36:34 PM »
Atleast you get awards.  When I bowl a 700 in league, I don't get crap.

King:  Is your league not sanctioned?
White Dot
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Re: Awards?
« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2004, 06:37:46 PM »
The WIBC has a good idea. Instead of the standard award, you are given points.
The points can accrue for three years and are redeemable for merchandise. A
catalog of their items is posted on

A good idea that not enough secretaries are letting their bowlers know about.

Pin Points are being discontinued after the 2005-06 season.
White Dot
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Re: Awards?
« Reply #8 on: January 18, 2004, 06:58:46 PM »
You guys amaze me sometimes. Last week I received my first ever bowling award. The simple 200 game coaster. Not only am I dam proud to own it, I am bringing it to league every week and using it. I don't care if everyone else has one or not, or if they threw theirs in the garbage, or in a drawer, or wherever. If, and when I get any patches, they will be sewn onto my buccaneers denim long sleeved shirt that I will again wear to every league I bowl in, summer or winter. What you take for granted, some of us would love to have.

Like selling off 300 rings. You see them all the time on ebay, someone on the site right now is selling one, and an 800 series ring. I could care less if I had one, or twenty, I would never part with it because it shows that I accomplished something special in a sport I love.

I'm probably gonna get a lot of flack about this but who cares. if you earn an award, don't b i t c h about it, wear it, display it, sew it, frame it, do something with it to show your pride in the sport. Don't toss it in a dam drawer.  Remember those of us around that would look at those with envy, and pray that one day we will have our own.

Remember that if no one cares about a sport, what happens to that sport. Awards are a big part of bowling, one of the main reasons people bother to get sanctioned.
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Re: Awards?
« Reply #9 on: January 18, 2004, 08:43:16 PM »
Here is an idea, instead of puting the patches and awards on your shirt, put them on your bowling bag.  I have 2 awards on mine, a 250 game key chain and a most improved bowler key chain and am proud of them.  I have a 150 pins over average patch that I have not had the chance to put on the bag yet, but I am gonna do that.
working on my spare game


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Re: Awards?
« Reply #10 on: January 18, 2004, 11:21:42 PM »
When I was little, my mom started sewing one "important" thing on my Christmas stocking every year.
That stocking is retired with honor (and rotting fabric...), but this year, my "lifetime" 200 average award went on the stocking. Last year, the patch for my 300 game.
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Re: Awards?
« Reply #11 on: January 19, 2004, 08:45:25 AM »
Hey bob7  When you are on an adult sanction league, the league does not pay for the patches and awards.  Your sanction fee that you pay once a year for pays for the awards and patches.  Yes it is bad that in order to practice bowling you have to pay money unlike other sports.  Here is what my local house does.  They give our a coupon card that gives you 1 free game for every one that you buy.  That cuts the cost in half.  At least that is a start.
working on my spare game


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Re: Awards?
« Reply #12 on: January 19, 2004, 11:18:22 AM »
Also, Bob7, most of the money award for high avg, improved avg, high game/series etc.. are only in the $5-$25 range (depending on how big of a $ league you're in).  I think I've seen $50 the most given for high avg in the league.  I don't know about where you plan to attend college, but this kind of $ isn't likely to buy much more than a book or two for one semester.  You'd save more for college by quitting bowling and putting that $10-$20 a week into savings...

And for those who say be happy to get an award, I am!  I do appreciate being recognized for my performance, and agree that the awards need to be at a level where the average bowler has a chance to achieve them.  I was just questioning the patches because nobody wears them anymore.  I do like Scott33's idea about putting them on a board and displaying them, but I wonder if pins would be better for this?  Maybe a nice 2in x 3in pin with the ABC logo, the award score, your name and date on it would be nice. Then you could have an option to purchase a nice cherry wood case with a glass cover in which you could stick the pin to a backdrop, and hang the display on the wall.  This could be done with league champions as well in place of trophies (who people seem to despise these days).  You could display a lot of award pins in a relatively small cabinet.

Another thing, on edit, about the patches.  If you do sew them onto your shirt, and wear it weekly (and wash it), if the patch becomes discolored or falls apart in the wash, you lose that award you worked so hard for.  If you were to only roll one 700 in your life, how would you feel if that award were damaged?


Edited on 1/19/2004 12:17 PM
Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep...

I wonder where they went? ;)


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Re: Awards?
« Reply #13 on: January 19, 2004, 02:52:35 PM »
The chance to throw honor scores is the only reason I bowl
league.  My avg is above the 220 scratch that is used for
most of the tournaments so I would be better off to walk
in scratch rather then my current avg.  I charish every award
I get.  The part that stinks is this year I have shot multiple
300s and 800s not that I am complaining about that but I am
not eligable for those awards again so to get them I have to
buy them. Each ring or plaque cost 75.00 but I will pay it to
get the award for the accomplishment.
