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Author Topic: Rule 18. Altering a Ball surface  (Read 4315 times)


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Rule 18. Altering a Ball surface
« on: March 19, 2010, 05:28:34 AM »
Note: If it is shown the bowler had prior knowledge his/her actions were in violation of Rule 18, the game(s) in which the violation occurred is (are) subject to forfeiture.  In addition, the bowler is subject to dismissal from the league and suspension of membership.

Does this mean that ignorance can allow someone to break the rules?  How do you then enforce this?  

We had this rule broken against us about 4 months ago and now this has come up and we may lose our points we had been given due to the violation.  

Any insight or further explanation of this rule would be great.



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Re: Rule 18. Altering a Ball surface
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2010, 01:58:12 PM »
Unfortunately, the way the rule is stated, it allows for this to happen. I really think they need to take the "prio knowledge" part out. This rule has been in effect for a long time now. If you choose not to know them then that is your fault.
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Re: Rule 18. Altering a Ball surface
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2010, 02:29:15 PM »
yes .. if you are ignorant to the rule then the only part of the rule that applies is that they can no longer use that ball in the competition..

18 mph,350 rpm,PAP 5 1/2 x 3/8up, 15 deg axis tilt, varied rotational axis deg.. usually 45+
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Re: Rule 18. Altering a Ball surface
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2010, 03:03:52 PM »
Basically, the first time is a warning.  If they do it again, it's a forfeit.

I agree that the rule as written has little power and probably should be changed.  I wouldn't think that so many people alter the surface during league that making it an automatic forfeit would piss off a lot of folks.  Certainly over time it would simply be common knowledge.  Make an announcement during warmups for the first few weeks and during tournament competition.

It takes time for a rule change to really stop pissing people off, but they do need to do it.



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Re: Rule 18. Altering a Ball surface
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2010, 03:08:02 PM »
If your team captain brings the rule up to the other captain then if the player chooses to use the ball for 1 more shoot he is then disqualified from play and the Board of Dir. vote whether to suspend the bowler or not.Been there done that!!


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Re: Rule 18. Altering a Ball surface
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2010, 07:28:35 PM »
I am the president of our league.  Our league secretary seen a bowler sanding his ball after competition started and told him that was illegal.  He used it anyway.  So the team captain from the opposing team came to me and told me he used the ball anyway and I went over there to confirm the ball was used and after the bowler said he did use the ball, I awarded the forfiet. They appealed all the way to the USBC National Headquarters and headquarters supported my decision.  It would be best though if the league officers and team captains got together and voted on the forfiet because it would have saved a lot of back and forth emails, but the bottom line according to the USBC rule book, the president is responsible to enforce the rules.  So evently the forfiet stood.

If the bowler did not know at the time he threw the ball that sanding a ball was illegal during competition, then I would have just asked him to take the ball ouy of play.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)

Edited on 3/19/2010 7:31 PM
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: Rule 18. Altering a Ball surface
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2010, 07:48:23 PM »
The whole point is moot if this happened 4 months ago and they are just now protesting the decision. They have to file a appeal in a timely manner as per rule 119. protests and appeals have to be within 15 days of when it happened.

Rule119 - Protest/Appeal Procedures
The league’s board of directors shall first decide on all protests as stated in Rule 103b. Protests are decided by
the league official/supervisor in Youth leagues that do not have a board.
a. Protests:
1. Written protests are filed with a league officer and shall be filed within 15 days of the series
being bowled except:
a) A protest resulting from competition in the final two weeks of a league schedule
shall be filed within 72 hours of the final date of the league schedule or the end of a
segment if the league bowls a split season.
b) A protest involving league playoff games shall be filed within 72 hours.
2. Unless a protest is confirmed in writing, the series or decision stands.
3. The board’s decision shall stand, unless a timely written appeal is filed with the local
association or USBC Headquarters. The local association’s decision can be appealed to
USBC Headquarters.

NOTE: League protests received by local associations or USBC Headquarters that have not initially
been decided by the league’s board of directors will be returned to the league for a decision.
b. Appeals shall be filed in writing within:
1.   15 days of notification during the regular schedule.
2.   72 hours when notification occurs:
a) In the final two weeks of the league schedule.
b) At the end of a segment if the league bowls a split season.
c) After the league schedule has ended.
d) As a result of playoff competition.
Prizes for positions involved cannot be distributed until the protest or appeal is resolved.
NOTE: A copy of the appeal should be filed with a league officer.
119/1 Does the board have to make a decision on a verbal protest?
No, however the president may call a meeting to address a verbal protest. USBC Rule 119
requires the board to act on all written protests filed within specific timelines. Guidelines on
how to file a proper protest, can be found on
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Edited on 3/19/2010 7:50 PM

Edited on 3/20/2010 9:59 AM
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Re: Rule 18. Altering a Ball surface
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2010, 09:45:55 PM »
I was drilling a ball for a buddy last night in the pro shop while the pro shop operator was bowling.  One of the bowlers in that league came in during the middle of the second game and wanted to add some polish to the ball.  I asked him if he had been using the ball already during league play, and he said yes.  I told him that it is against the USBC rules to alter the surface of the ball after league had started so I could not do it.

So he gets all p1ssed and throws a hissy fit.  He said something about taking his business to a different pro shop if that's how he's gonna be treated around there.  I just shook my head when he stormed out.

Ignorance can be bliss, but most of the time it's just annoying.


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Re: Rule 18. Altering a Ball surface
« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2010, 02:14:54 AM »
I could be mistaken, but I think it is ok/allowed to put polish or shine a bowling ball during play.. it is not allowed if you alter the surface by changing the dullness(using sanding paper or abralon pads)..


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Re: Rule 18. Altering a Ball surface
« Reply #9 on: March 20, 2010, 02:38:12 AM »
I could be mistaken, but I think it is ok/allowed to put polish or shine a bowling ball during play.. it is not allowed if you alter the surface by changing the dullness(using sanding paper or abralon pads)..

It all depends if you are using a product that is approved for use during competition....
but yes.. there are products approved that will shine up a ball.. including the luster king..

I think this rule needs to be changed as well.. you shouldn't be able to alter the surface either way during competition.. dulling or shining..
18 mph,350 rpm,PAP 5 1/2 x 3/8up, 15 deg axis tilt, varied rotational axis deg.. usually 45+
HighGame 300 x 4, High Series 808
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Re: Rule 18. Altering a Ball surface
« Reply #10 on: March 20, 2010, 06:11:03 AM »
Would appreciate a bit of clarification,  Is surface change not allow after the game has started confined to ball/s that had been thrown or does this include all ball the bowler has in his bag?

What is the bowler buy a ball during play, and asked to a surface change??





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Re: Rule 18. Altering a Ball surface
« Reply #11 on: March 20, 2010, 06:36:58 AM »
Would appreciate a bit of clarification,  Is surface change not allow after the game has started confined to ball/s that had been thrown or does this include all ball the bowler has in his bag?

What is the bowler buy a ball during play, and asked to a surface change??

Here's from the rules book

No, Rule 18 does not allow the outer surface of any bowling ball to be altered with an abrasive
after the start of competition. This includes balls that have not yet been introduced into play.

Here's one part a lot don't realize, is competition starts when ANYONE there throws a ball for score. Its not when you throw your first ball for score.

The start of competition is defined as the point the first ball is thrown by any participant for
Since the tournament is conducting singles and doubles concurrently, you cannot alter
the surface of the bowling ball (including sanding) between events.

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Re: Rule 18. Altering a Ball surface
« Reply #12 on: March 20, 2010, 07:08:28 AM »
Most USBC rules when attempted for enforcement turn into crap. The wording is vague and sometimes there is no punishment. It is a waste of time.
" men lie, women lie, numbers don't "
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.


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Re: Rule 18. Altering a Ball surface
« Reply #13 on: March 20, 2010, 07:16:52 AM »
I like the way the rule is written.  It allows for the games to be forfeited, even for a first time offense without knowledge.  But it also allows descretion to not impose sanctions at all, or to impose "death penalty" sanctions should the offense be committed with prior knowledge of the rule.

When I first started bowling, I altered the surface of my ball with a scotchbright pad during competition because I didn't know it was against the rules.  I won the pots that night.  I told my pro shop operator what I had done the next day and he told me that this was a violation of the rules.  The next week at league I returned the pot money and told them to forfeit my games.  Because my team had lost all games that week, the league decided to let the scores stand because I didn't know that I had violated the rules.  The second place bowler got the pot money.  Although one could argue that allowing the scores to stand could have affected my team's overall position because of total pinfall, everyone thought the result was fair.  This is the type of descretion that the rules should allow.
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Re: Rule 18. Altering a Ball surface
« Reply #14 on: March 20, 2010, 08:50:18 AM »
I told my pro shop operator what I had done the next day and he told me that this was a violation of the rules. The next week at league I returned the pot money and told them to forfeit my games.

I wish there were more people like you around these days.



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