The "Sarge Easter" layout is typically used by rev dominant bowlers who want more control. It's a fingertip span on the middle finger with a conventional span on the ring finger.
Seems to me that pitches would be extra critical since the two fingers are going different depths... I'm no expert on this since "too many revs" is not an issue with me.
While I understand that the Sarge Easter grip is an extreme case of a dropped ring finger, I really thought the poster meant a slightly reduced span in the ring finger, maybe by 1/16", 1/8" or 3/16".
I "dropped" my ring finger span 1/8" about 12 years ago or so because I had tendonitis in the 2nd ring finger joint. Even though I now tuck my pinky finger one joint to insure a good grip, dropping the span has seemed to help the tendonitis. I do tend to turn the ball too early if I am not careful, overall there has been no serious negative side effects.
I think, in general, I remember some experts, like JustRico, indicating there were more potential negative effects than positive ones, but I guess it depends on the bowler and his release mechanics.