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Author Topic: Plant or slide  (Read 8629 times)


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Plant or slide
« on: February 11, 2018, 02:23:41 AM »
Just wondering how many of you guys slide to the foulline or plant your foot??

I know planting your foot has it’s advantages meaning you can take it anywhere but disadvantages maybe physically?

Sliding may give better leverage with good timing, but inconsistent approaches can effect this and your confidence in replicating shots.

Feedback most welcome



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Re: Plant or slide
« Reply #16 on: February 12, 2018, 12:24:45 PM »
I bowl with a slide, but in one house with synthetic approaches some of lanes with more frequent use can be/ARE sticky.  When I wind up on one of those lanes I usually end up moving up on the approach and shorten my steps and become a plant bowler.  It's not my "A" game but you do what you have to do sometimes and hope for the best.

I'm 48 with no prior knee problems in my past or problems on a daily basis.  But after one of those nights my left knee starts to get sore.  On the other hand if I keep trying to slide on a sticky approach my knee starts to hurt a lot more.  Nothing worse than coming to a complete abrupt stop in the middle of your slide and yanking the ball left.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2018, 12:34:15 PM by rocky61201 »
In the bag:  900 Global Zen, Hy Road Pearl, Astro Physix.