I have a few sadder things I've seen on the lanes...saw a 2 year old "banana peel" it in the middle of the lane, fell down, knocked himself out...the parents didn't seem to care, got him off the lane, sat him down and they continued bowling (he was still unconscious.) Being a military medic, I went over and asked for permission to treat their son and the father said "I've had concussions before...he's fine, leave him alone." Not just a week later, the was admitted to the hospital for a subdural hematoma...not sure if he survived.
To lighten the story though, I have a friend took off the tape from his thumb and the tape in the ball but didn't clean off the sticky residue...he is a very high powered bowler and as you can imagine, the ball went through the ceiling, crashed down on the lane, after breaking a water pipe. I came in seconds after it happened, water was spraying everywhere and there was debris all over the lanes. Rather funny to see.