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Author Topic: Most Disturbing/Disgusting Thing You've Seen in a Bowling Alley  (Read 7164 times)

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What has really freaked you out and/or most disgusting and disturbing thing you've seen in a bowling alley?

Here's Mine (and it happened recently):

Dude in my league goes to the restroom, comes back and rants about how he stepped in piss.  Well, said bowler tends to always go fingers to mouth, to sole / heel, back to mouth (for SOME UNKNOWN reason) before the shot, and you guessed it, did it right after stepping in piss.  Eww.   :o

Surely we'll have some whoppers here......... ?



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Re: Most Disturbing/Disgusting Thing You've Seen in a Bowling Alley
« Reply #31 on: April 02, 2014, 01:54:37 AM »
Disturbing: first off, i'm not a homophobic person.  I have good friends and family members who are gay. Best friend in college is gay....But, there's a gay league in the center which I happened to see when I went to practice. and seeing two males show public affection with one straddling the other....Ah....I'm NOT used to that...In all the leagues I've been on, I have not seen a straight couple ever do that during leagues. Don't judge me because I can't stand seeing two guys making out like there was no tomorrow, because I love seeing two women do that. ;) Dat's the truth!

Disgusting: Friend accidentally drank from a chew spit soda can that someone put on our table.....Worse than Ozzy drinking spit IMO....
Does a round object have sides? I say yes, pizza has triangles..

aka addik since 2003


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Re: Most Disturbing/Disgusting Thing You've Seen in a Bowling Alley
« Reply #32 on: April 02, 2014, 06:52:52 AM »
Disturbing yet funny-
This had to be the mid 80's or so, we were making $3.50 an hour and $10.00 was a weeks worth of gas, for reference.  We were hanging at the bowl on a Friday night and somebody had just made a Taco Bell run.  We get done and had what must have been 100 packs of hot sauce. (I don't remember what the hottest sauce was called back then but it was that).  So one of the younger guys says "how much will you give me if I drink it?"  We tell him $10.  We then opened all the packs into a 20 oz. cup and it was about 1/2 full.  It took him about 10 minutes but he finally got it all down.  About a minute after that his nose started bleeding. 

Disgusting yet funny-
Same kid the next Friday is looking to make some more money.  We spend about an hour trying to top the previous week.  He tells us he can puke on command without gagging himself.  OK, $20 if you puke when I tell you.  He says "how much will you give me if I drink it?"  A couple other guys put up 10 each so we tell him $40.  He goes to get the cup.  I'm thinking no way is this gonna happen.  So on command he pukes in the cup.  After working up some courage he takes a big swig.  We don't know if he finished it because everyone was dry heaving over trash cans after that. 

Disgusting not funny-
Portering one night.  Nursery attendant calls and says they have an "accident" in the nursery bathroom.  I go in, some dude was changing his kid, couldn't handle it, puked on the floor and then missed the trash can with the diaper, covering the side.  I tell the assistant manager of the bowl about it and she tells me I need to clean it up.  I tell her "Pat, first off I make $3.35 an hour and that isn't nearly enough for me to clean that up.  Second, if I go in there I'm just going to add to the mess." 

Spider Man

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Re: Most Disturbing/Disgusting Thing You've Seen in a Bowling Alley
« Reply #33 on: April 02, 2014, 07:42:43 AM »
The owner lets his wife handle ordering the alcohol... This year they stopped buying Seagrams 7. The GM was told they could only stock cheap stuff. And then they wonder why teams want to leave? "lolz"

my team was disgusted when the house dropped coors light for a couple years.

Dude! That is sooo messed up!

Most of this thread should be sponsored by Midol. Stop the vaghurt guys. I want more disgusting, less bickering.


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Re: Most Disturbing/Disgusting Thing You've Seen in a Bowling Alley
« Reply #34 on: April 02, 2014, 11:56:06 AM »
Mike, I was enjoying my pastry till I read the second paragraph.....
Does a round object have sides? I say yes, pizza has triangles..

aka addik since 2003


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Re: Most Disturbing/Disgusting Thing You've Seen in a Bowling Alley
« Reply #35 on: April 02, 2014, 06:29:40 PM »
I have a few sadder things I've seen on the lanes...saw a 2 year old "banana peel" it in the middle of the lane, fell down, knocked himself out...the parents didn't seem to care, got him off the lane, sat him down and they continued bowling (he was still unconscious.) Being a military medic, I went over and asked for permission to treat their son and the father said "I've had concussions before...he's fine, leave him alone." Not just a week later, the was admitted to the hospital for a subdural hematoma...not sure if he survived.

To lighten the story though, I have a friend took off the tape from his thumb and the tape in the ball but didn't clean off the sticky residue...he is a very high powered bowler and as you can imagine, the ball went through the ceiling, crashed down on the lane, after breaking a water pipe. I came in seconds after it happened, water was spraying everywhere and there was debris all over the lanes. Rather funny to see.
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Re: Most Disturbing/Disgusting Thing You've Seen in a Bowling Alley
« Reply #36 on: April 03, 2014, 07:50:55 AM »
Back in Junior leagues bowling with my brother, he went up to throw his shot, nothing unusual here. However on this particular shot the ball stuck on his hand during follow through and popped straight up in to the air.

 Instead of just letting it fall, my brother decided to try and catch the ball (probably 13/14lbs at this stage). He caught it....with his pinkie finger between the edge of the lane/gutter and the ball itself. His pinkie split WIDE open, blood EVERYWHERE.


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Re: Most Disturbing/Disgusting Thing You've Seen in a Bowling Alley
« Reply #37 on: April 03, 2014, 08:10:28 AM »
Wait, am I in the Non-bowling related forum?  Could have sworn this was the Misc forum . .
What would you be if you were attached to another object by an inclined plane, wrapped helically around an axis?


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Re: Most Disturbing/Disgusting Thing You've Seen in a Bowling Alley
« Reply #38 on: April 03, 2014, 08:55:28 AM »
No, this thread is actually a good read and is still on topic. Definitely NOT the DNA of a thread in the non - bowling section.

I've not seen much that fits this thread. Spilled spit cups, bloody rags on the ladies room floor. But nothing that even competes with some of what I've read.

We did have a guy that would eat other people's burgers/fries when they got up to bowl. We stopped that real quick, but then he started hanging around the trash can and would take/eat the leftovers people were going to throw away (fortunately we never saw him dig anything out - he was grabbing it before it went in). We had to put a stop to that too.
Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep...

I wonder where they went? ;)