I've got a Red Technika II Professional Silver Bullet, which has a bullet shaped core that runs along the grip center line. I've never seen another one of this model.
It flares a fair amount and has a cover "containing a minor quantity of functionally terminated liquid elastomer combined with a major quantity of resin-forming material reactive with the functional end groups of the elastomer, and has a greatly enhanced coefficient of friction against ordinary bowling lane surfaces, permitting superior control of the path of the ball and therefore better scores by the bowler."
If you're interested, the information about the cover came from the patent...
http://www.freepatentsonline.com/4131277.htmlI'd love to find a used 15lbs XXXL for under $50....I've been looking and haven't seen any in that price range.
Edited on 12/8/2008 11:33 AM