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Author Topic: Playing the new Shark - your best guess  (Read 2054 times)


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Playing the new Shark - your best guess
« on: June 30, 2009, 11:30:38 AM »
If I can play the Scorpion with a Creature solid drilled 4x4, pin under ring finger, with this ball just barely being strong enough for the Scorpion (Yes, I should have brought a stronger ball),
which ball should I start with on the Shark pattern:
New Standard,
Twisted Fury Solid
Counter Strike
Yeah Baby
Solid LevRG
Ultra Zone
Ogre Solid

Lane surface is Brunswick AnvilLanes.
Those are balls I have drilled. I can change their stock surface finish.

Thanks in advance.
Last time I bowled on the Shark was 5 years ago.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."

Edited on 6/30/2009 9:48 PM

Edited on 7/7/2009 10:09 AM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."



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Re: Playing the new Shark - your best guess
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2009, 07:36:48 PM »
From what I have heard, the LevRG will probably play really well. But i have not thrown any of those balls and have only seen a handful of them in action...
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Re: Playing the new Shark - your best guess
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2009, 09:52:29 PM »
rather than rely on a certain ball your best bet is to:

1) play as staight as possible thru the front part of the lane. you will probably want to avoid the area outside 9-10.

2)you are looking for a ball reaction that rolls on a tougher pattern.....not skid/snap. use as much surface as your style allows.

3) use equipment with a basic layout-----a stable layout with the pin 5" from your pap wouldn't hurt.


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Re: Playing the new Shark - your best guess
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2009, 07:10:46 AM »
Thanks, Greg, I appreciate basic suggestions.
I am somewhat familiar with all those ideas from reading about people's experiences and from suggestions from several PBA people. I intend to follow those through as far as possible.

I do intend to bring 3 or 4 balls with those ideas in mind. But I was wondering what informed & experienced people thought might be a/the proper (type of) ball based what used on the Scorpion pattern.
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Re: Playing the new Shark - your best guess
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2009, 07:29:07 AM »
You can read my PBA log for my insights.  My Creature wasn't enough ball for Scorpion, so either you throw more ball than me, or our version of Scorpion (oil type, lane topography...) plays wetter.  Mine had a 600 grit sand + 1500 grit polish as the surface prep.  I basically re-did the OOB finish because I didn't seem to care for Global's factory finish.  I might try 2000 abralon next.  Anyway, for Scorpion I used my Bite with a weaker hand position.  For Shark, I used a 600 grit Weapon of Mass Bias for the fresh, then switched to the Bite (strong hand position) as they broke down, so Shark played quite a bit wetter for me.  I don't know much about the equipment you have listed, but I'd take one of your stronger balls regardless.  Ours is a singles league with only two bowlers to a pair, so out lanes didn't break down much.  Last time I took two strong balls and one medium.  Next time I'll probably take three strong ones.

I'd be inclined to start with something strong and rolly like the Ogre Solid, then switch to something just a little weaker, and cleaner through the heads with more back end as the lanes break down (Ultra Zone/Code?).  Maybe Yeah Baby, then New Standard, but like I said, I don't know Lanemaster's equipment.

Locke, Charlest has the Solid LevRG, not the original LevRG which handles a lot more oil.
Penn State Proud

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Re: Playing the new Shark - your best guess
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2009, 07:54:39 AM »
I say Break point at 1000 sandpaper, or your New standard
What is sandbagging???


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Re: Playing the new Shark - your best guess
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2009, 08:11:10 AM »
If I can play the Scorpion with a Creature solid drilled 4x4, pin under ring finger, with this ball just barely being strong enough for the Scorpion (Yes, I should have brought a stronger ball),
which ball should I start with on the Shark pattern:
New Standard,
Twisted Fury Solid
Counter Strike
Yeah Baby
Solid LevRG
Ultra Zone
Ogre Solid

Lane surface is Brunswick AnvilLanes.
Those are balls I have drilled. I can change their stock surface finish.

Thanks in advance.
Last time I bowled on the Shark was 5 years ago.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."

Edited on 6/30/2009 9:48 PM

Out of the balls you have listed, i would suggest

Ogre Solid (OOB)
Ultra Zone (2000 or 4000)
Break Point (oob)

The Ogre Solid should give you a rolly, controlable look somewhat like your creature, just more hook overall

The Ultra, depending on layout, should flare up a bit more and give you a different read than the Ogre Solid...similar amount of boards coverd tho (People dont give the cover strength of the Ogre enough credit sometimes)

The Break point should work if a little bit of a hook spot develops downlane and you need something to come off that spot a little harder

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Re: Playing the new Shark - your best guess
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2009, 08:40:22 AM »
If I had no choice, i'd use the BP and sand the bottom bow-tie, or take one of your high rg lanemaster balls and expose some particles.

All the best!
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I just gotta know.  If you're going to do something illegal like not sanding a ball uniformly (not that anyone would find out, or probably cares in the real world), but if you were going to do it, why only sand the bottom bow tie instead of both???
Penn State Proud

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Re: Playing the new Shark - your best guess
« Reply #8 on: July 01, 2009, 12:37:30 PM »
I would suggest trying something with not as much surface.  The Shark pattern is long, but not necessaruly heavy and there is a short area from the end of the pattern to the pins.  You will need something that changes direction quickly.  

Remeber that THS patterns are played from side to side.  PBA patterns are played from front to back.
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Re: Playing the new Shark - your best guess
« Reply #9 on: July 01, 2009, 12:55:32 PM »
I can usually play both the Shark and the Scorpion with the same ball. I have had good luck with a Gravity Shift, Pearl Fury, and Wild Ride

I agree with Bob on this, every pattern at different houses are obviously different. We played shark this week and i was using a Break Pearl going right up 8-9 board with great success, If i kept my speed right which wasn't any lower than average I was fine, couldn't push it out past 5 board though.

I also used the Break pearl on the scorpion with good results. My stronger balls were to strong for both these patterns really, I was dissapointed in this because this is what i have been waiting to use them for.

Being that you could use your creature solid on scorpion, then we have similar house characteristics in that they still tend to hook alot on the longer patterns. My house is known for having very clean backends.

I think the 2 I suggested will be a good bet.
What is sandbagging???


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Re: Playing the new Shark - your best guess
« Reply #10 on: July 01, 2009, 03:58:12 PM »
absolutebowling, This is not a "Shennanigan".

Yes, my rev rate is much higher than my ball speed. I am not very versatile, but I try. I have 17 degrees of tilt, last time I measured.

Strider, Remember I said I was barely able to play the Scorpion with the CS and it was drilled ver strong, but stock polish.

Guys, I should have used a stronger ball but the 2 stronger ones I brought were too flippy on this pattern to control. The Ultra Zone or my SX-1 might have been a better strong choice.
Given how little room one has on the PBA patterns, left and right, I had not problem trying to be very accurate, thus is was even slower than my normal ball speed.

I left out the Ultra Zone as it is not as strong as these. I also changed the surface for the Viper and the Chameleon, later in the summer.

I tried playing a house shot around 18-20 board at the arrows with these strong balls as a practice. I just drilled up the BreakPoint and the Ogre Solid.
- I sanded the Ogre to 2000 abralon. Drilled pin in ring finger, CG stacked below, 4.5x4.
- The Twisted Fury is at P3000 grit, pin in ring finger (4.5"), MB 4.5" from PAP.
- BreakPoint has same drill as Twisted, surface is stock (thinkit's rougher than the specified 4000 grit).
- New Standard is drilled 5"x4, pin over ring finger. Surface is Resurrection (800 grit US + very light shine). May be the weakest.

Breakpoint was the earliest and strongest.
Didn't try the Solid LevRG at 2000 Abralon.

This was not the Shark pattern, just a heavy house pattern left over from the previous day. Will try the same again tomorrow or Friday.

Ours is a singles league but 4 people per with people ignoring the patterns for the 90% case and playing everywhere, except for 2 or 3 of us.

So far, I'm most comfortable with the NS, Ogre and Breakpoint. Not sure which 4th strike ball I'll bring. I like the Twisted Fury solid and have yet to throw a dulled Solid LevRg.

Bob Hanson, If you use the same ball on Shark and Scorpion, then I'm in for a very rude surprise. I suppose I could use my New Standard, which I have loved for years and is fairly versatile for me.
I did use the Twisted Fury Solid on the Chameleon for the first week, but I was further into the oil than I should have been. I expected more oil. Maybe the Twisted Solid will work on the Shark.

Thanks so far, guys. I really appreciate the time you took.

Since I'm bowling this PBA-X league to improve my release and speed consistency (and to recognize unfamiliar patterns) and not to really compete, I'm finding this mostly a lot of fun.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."

Edited on 7/1/2009 3:59 PM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Playing the new Shark - your best guess
« Reply #11 on: July 01, 2009, 06:12:23 PM »
I also am bowling in a PBAX league on Anvilane. Doubles league, 6 games each night. Bowl 3 games against a team, move pairs 3 games against another team. Bowl on each pattern twice for 12 games total on it.

On both patterns I was able to use a Virtual Gravity, Cell, Special Agent and Shift. Oddly enough for Shark I started with the weakest ball(Shift) first going straight up 7-8 and as I had to bump it in the Shift didn't quite make the corner so I would actually move up balls during games 3-5 and by game 6 it was opened up enough to play the Shift and get it to recover. I say deep but really I never had to go inside of 15 to 8 at the break point. On Scorpion I started with the stronger balls and was able to ball down as I moved in. Other than the difference in ball changes, Shark and Scorpion played similar. On Scorpion I could swing a couple of boards more, Shark I had to play straighter. I also took my ball speed down some(I would guess 1-1.5mph) on Shark so my balls could read the back of the lane better. Rolly was better on both Shark and Scorpion for me so a Twisted Solid could work good.

Edited on 7/1/2009 6:14 PM


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Re: Playing the new Shark - your best guess
« Reply #12 on: July 01, 2009, 07:51:10 PM »
Thanks, al_g. Interesting situation you have/had.

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Re: Playing the new Shark - your best guess
« Reply #13 on: July 01, 2009, 09:49:59 PM »

Unless something has changed in the past year, each of the 5 named patterns also had 3 different oil volumes that could be used. This can complicate the question.

My advice is to try one solid at around 2000, have the Ultra (hybrid) at 2000, and just in case something around 1000 (hopefully you'll not need it). The Shark for most bowlers is best played inside with straighter lines to the pocket. The volume usually won't allow much swing room until it's quite broken down. If I remember correctly I would try to play straight up 12-13 board with more forward roll.

Too dull a surface can sometimes be too slow to respond to friction in the limited back end, while shiny will respond faster, but will skid longer.

That's why I believe something around 2000 can be the best option. Look at it this way. If I'm playing straight up 13 board (as an example) I'm only asking the ball to move about 5 boards to hit pocket. Then follow the shot inside, if needed, as it transitions. With some accuracy and speed control you may surprise yourself that carry can be pretty good on the shark pattern. Good luck.

Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Brunswick Pro Shop Staff

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Re: Playing the new Shark - your best guess
« Reply #14 on: July 02, 2009, 02:16:15 PM »
Thanks, Lane and Bob.

I prefer going as straight as I can. And the BreakPOint is probably the strongest ball I'll bring. It's more of a just in case type of ball.
The Ogre has a pretty mild core and low diff so it will be fairly mild and direct. The Twisted Solid has a 3000 grit shell and the New Standard almost has a light shine on it. Might bring one of other medium solid.
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"None are so blind as those who will not see."