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Author Topic: What does pap location tell you about the bowler?  (Read 529 times)


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What does pap location tell you about the bowler?
« on: July 07, 2009, 02:37:02 AM »
My pap is 4 and 7/8 over and 1 inch up.  I tend to throw more of a down-and-in shot and have recently moved into being more of a tweener than a stroker.  What does my pap location tell an experienced driller about how I bowl?



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Re: What does pap location tell you about the bowler?
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2009, 11:10:13 AM »
PAP location by itself tells almost nothing.  An experienced fitter/driller/coach can tell more by watching the customer throw one shot.  When you know the customer's revs, speed, axis tilt, axis rotation, and ability, you use the PAP to match those and the desired reaction to the layout.  --  JohnP