I will say it again, keep your equipment. The technical side of this game is okay to learn but you need the basics first. I am not saying that you don't have skills you just need to refine the ones you have first.
My advice is this; pick a old or new (if you got the money) urethane ball. Learn to bowl with it, I mean really learn to bowl. Reactive resin gives you so much area, urethane will bridge that gap between reactive and plastic. Urethane will still allow you a few boards of error, please don't think you will have to be pin point accurate.
When you are practicing, think about what you are doing. When you are bowling, tell yourself, "hey, I've taught myself to do this, relax and let it go". During practice you are hopefully teaching yourself good muscle memory. So, when the lights come on all you have to do is roll the rock baby.
Good luck to you,
PS Learn your equipment. Don't replace it until you do. Learn which one will hook the most, least, earliest, latest? You should be able to pick out any ball you own and hit the pocket with it the first time, provided you know the pattern.
"Act like you've been there before"