At age 16, when I started bowling men''s league in a house that oiled with the bug sprayer, I was in the upper 150''s for the first year (no youth leagues, and no coaching in this area - mostly self taught, probably rolled 40 games a week then). By age 18, I was up to low 180''s in that house, and was one of the "big fish".
Went to Jr. college in the next town over, and the house there was still wood lanes, but they had a lane machine that would put out a somewhat consistent shot, although the machine even then (1994) had several years on it. My avg went to mid 190''s and I was bowling 3 nights a week there, and 3 nights a week in the other house. After graduating college, spent the next few years only bowling off and on, nothing consistent with large gaps in leagues and even open play. Kept avg in low 190''s, even on "better" lanes still throwing the Vector 1 and Pink Hammer that I started league with at age 16.
Year 2000+, got into some larger houses with synthetic lanes, high dollar oil machines, and newer equipment. For 3 years I bowled in 3 houses, 1 league each. Went to low 200''s, (mid 170''s in the first year of sport league I bowled in, and improved to mid 180''s in year 2, then league dissolved - I was one of 3 guys who showed up for year 3) and after the 2004-2005 year, cut way back and have sporadically bowled leagues once a night, if I was in a league at all. Large gaps of 6+ months not even touching the ball, and my house shot avg. has been steady between 205-210 with no practice and once a week league - when I do rejoin them.
Internet Tough Guy
Cyberspace Sheep Lover
You can''t motorboat a personality
Edited on 1/10/2010 6:23 PM