I FINALLY BOWLED MY FIRST 200 GAME TONIGHT!!!!! A 213, I KNOW ITS NOT MUCH BUT IM VERY PROUD OF MYSELF FOR IT!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH haha here is wut i bowled on my VERY last game of the night.
9/ 9- x x x x x 8/ 8 1 (split) x8/
And for me this is good, I was on fire, usually Im scoring 120's 130's on a night of fun, tonight I was in at least the 160's every game again this is good for me and then last game I was debating on playing since im po' but Im on a league so I get discounts so I said ok one more, and BAM 213, so proud!!!!

15 years and still going strong! 15 years old that is!

quadrunner25@aol.com hit me up