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Author Topic: please teach me how to throw a slow, big hook  (Read 932 times)


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please teach me how to throw a slow, big hook
« on: May 15, 2004, 05:51:15 AM »
What’s the secret on throwing a big, high rev, slow hook ball?  Like Brad Angelo, D.J. Archer and Brian Kretzer.  I don’t think you can call them crankers, yet for some reasons they are able to put such high revs, with slow ball speed, and with so little effort.

When I ‘stroke’ the ball, my PAP is 5.5 over, and 1/2 inch up.  When I try to turn my hand, the ball track is lower, not as low as a spinner, but definitely further away than when I ‘stroke’ the ball.  Even so, the ball just doesn’t seem to read the lane well, and it doesn’t hook a lot.

I have never been able to play left of 15 (right-handed).

The good bowlers in my areas are mainly strokers, so I can’t really find anyone to show me how it’s supposed to be done.  All the help I got is watching ESPN at, and you guys and gals at

Certified ball collector.


Next Level PS

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Re: please teach me how to throw a slow, big hook
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2004, 09:18:32 PM »
Timing and Leverage My friend....Timing and Leverage.

also know as VortexII
Next Level Proshop
Union, NJ



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Re: please teach me how to throw a slow, big hook
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2004, 09:50:58 PM »
There are not too many that can release a ball like Brad Angelo! Even his peers are impressed at his release and strike percentage. Having crossed pairs next to him through 2 summers of Classic Shootouts, I am always in awe of his raw talent, dedication and determination.

There is no "secret", but there is practice, coaching and "God given talent". Seek a qualified coach, clinic, etc., even a camp such as Kegel's.
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