I have 2 asymmetrical balls, A Radical Reax Pearl and a 900 Global Network drilled with a weight hole and a thumb on both balls, By the new rule these 2 balls wont be legal for me to throw with out my thumb in either ball do to the 2 weight holes they will have.. I drilled up both NIB balls the same way but with out the weigth hole ( just shifted the CG back a little towards the middle of my span) to replace them and threw them both last night in league. I did not see much of a difference if any on the way the old balls rolled compaired to the way the new balls rolled, so I decided to throw 1 of the new balls with just 2 finger holes and a thumb hole( which is now the weight hole for the new ruling as of aug 1sy ) I also drilled it so IM still able to put my thumb in the ball and the ball would still remain legal either way I deside to throw it ( with or with out my thumb ) its not a very big issue by the way the new rule is as of AUG 1st. had a 247 with 2 opens ( a 9 pin and a 7-10 split ) also had a 255 and 258.