Part of the problem is that we let ourselves get so sucked up into the "Madison Ave" hype of a new ball. I suspect many of us finding we want the ball almost no matter what it is supposed to do. May I suggest you read the posts currently being done on "BTM"? Even these ball reviews can be very misleading.
I am not preaching from a pulpit; I am in the pits. I can't tell you how much money I have pissed away, buying the "latest and the greatest"! It's hard not to.
While I get sucked in a lot less these days, I still do. BUT more often, I wait until a lot of tests are done everywhere, until people here (and elsewhere) post lots of reviews, until I have seen people throw it in leagues and tournaments, then I take the plunge. ANd you know, even then, sometimes, I drill it wrong for me, for the oil pattern.
Live and learn, sometimes, the hard way.
I recently, for the first time, drilled up a Columbia Power Surge, a Brunswick Fire Quantum and have a NIB Faball Truck waiting to be drilled. Still thinking about that one.
"Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it."