You can't have it both ways, people want the cost of bowling lowered to attract new bowlers, but it only attracts a lower class to our sport which in turn does nothing for the so-called integrity that the old timers speak of.
For anyone who's bowled on 1$ night, take a look around. How many serious bowlers do you see there?... Here, out of a 32 lane house, you might find one pair of lanes that has a league bowlers bowling on it, but most of the time, it's because they forgot it was dollar night.
My last trip to dollar night featured the people on the lane next to me dancing on top of the ball return, running around like Jerry's kids, and screaming--they were all around 20... The lane on the other side featured people who I suppose don't get let out of the cage to often, judging by the way they were throwing food. I didn't even finish my second game, I was just there for fun too, I was bowling with two people who never bowl, they don't even have their own gear. They were basically like, "So this is bowling now, it's ashame what it's become"... I simply explained to them that we chose the wrong night and whatnot, but how many people leave with that impression???
To be Politically Correct in this society I feel we should change the term "House Hack" to "One House Wonder". It will make alot of losers feel much better about themselves!!!