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Author Topic: Polished or Dull?!?!  (Read 797 times)


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Polished or Dull?!?!
« on: February 11, 2004, 05:03:55 PM »
To my understanding if a bowling ball's surface is dull it will hook earlier and because it hooks early it move across more borads, now if that is correct then a polished ball will hook later and move less boards because it has less time to move, now if I right which I believe I am, why do I get people telling me that a polished ball hooks later and hooks more??? Help???

- 01kay
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Re: Polished or Dull?!?!
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2004, 11:25:48 AM »
Other variables is length of pattern and backends. I have 2 balls used on medium condition. One is a control arc with a 4x4 1000sheen, the other is a pearl shined up with a label drill. On the house I normally play Sunday night the control ball has more overall hook by 2 boards. But at another house Tuesday night with shorter oil pattern and lively backends the polished ball will have 3 boards more over all hook. So this is where you can get different responses for the same ball. The thing to remember is the polished ball react stronger off the dry, and the dull ball will get you an earlier read in the oil.