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Author Topic: Viper, Shark, Scorpion - How to play them?  (Read 809 times)


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Viper, Shark, Scorpion - How to play them?
« on: February 02, 2010, 11:31:03 AM »
My next tournament will be laying out one of these patterns. I'm a stroker, around 275 RPM and 15 MPH ball speed. What line do you suggest trying and what type of ball do you suggest using? It won't be Chameleon or Cheetah, those were already used.



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Re: Viper, Shark, Scorpion - How to play them?
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2010, 08:01:41 PM »
Well I throw the ball a tad faster then you do, I'm at around 17-18mph ball speed.

I usually play the Viper up 5 board with a touch slower then normal ball speed with my 2nd to weakest ball, BVP Rampage 1:30 drilling. As the pattern break's down I usually start moving left by the end of the 1st game. By the 3rd game it's not unusual to see guy's playing 20-8 but this depend's on how fast the oil goes away. I will sometime's pull out my weakest ball and maybe move back right some, this adjustment varies a lot because of the other bowler's on your pair. If you have experienced bowler's then the shot will open up and actually become a lot easier to play.

Shark pattern I play on a deep line. I usually start out with a Dull Solid coverstock ball, at that time it was my Storm Attitude Shift. I would start out the night playing 30 at the line, between 3rd-4th arrow, break point at around 13 board. Get the ball to the 10th board, say bye bye ball and get ready for your spare shot. The normal adjustment for me was to most left following the line. By the 3rd game I usually change ball's to a mild pearl, of course this will require some line adjustment to get back to the pocket.

As for the 3rd pattern you talked about, I still need to figure out that one myself. I don't do well on the Chameleon or Cheetah either.
Mike Zadler
"When in doubt, Pull out" - Rob Stone
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Re: Viper, Shark, Scorpion - How to play them?
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2010, 08:14:05 PM »
I bowled on Chameleon and Cheetah just once each. Averaged 191 for 6 games of qualifying on Chameleon and averaged a great 151 on Cheetah for 6 games of qualifying. I found that Chameleon got harder as it broke down and I found that Cheetah just stayed hard the entire time for me.


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Re: Viper, Shark, Scorpion - How to play them?
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2010, 08:26:17 PM »
Viper is my favorite with Shark being next. I can't really say how I like the other 3 as I've had mixed night's on those pattern's.

This summer I plan on trying to figure out the rest of the pattern's. I'm joining a PBAx leauge, $10/night with free practice afterward's. I'm also going to enter a PBAx 9pin sweeper on friday night's as well.

Good luck with your tournament.
Mike Zadler
"When in doubt, Pull out" - Rob Stone
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Mike Zadler