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Author Topic: Poll: Do you ever get bored of Bowling?  (Read 2591 times)


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Poll: Do you ever get bored of Bowling?
« on: June 19, 2008, 07:03:39 AM »
Hey guys,

Just wanted to throw this out there.
I love bowling more than the next guy, but sometimes I get to the point where I get disinterested or lose passion for the sport. Many of you pick up other sports or have other hobbies on top of bowling.

I pose this question to those who consider bowling as their #1 hobby and to those that treat it as a secondary hobby etc.

I have been playing in basketball and softball leagues lately and have been having a lot fun in these leagues for the past several years. Although, whatever other sport I participate in, I always come back to bowling and love the comraderie and competition.


P.S. I'm bowling league tonight, so maybe I'll snap out of it hehe.



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Re: Poll: Do you ever get bored of Bowling?
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2008, 03:10:22 PM »
nope.... bowling is next to swordplay one of the sports I can "forget" all my other life...
You know what I mean...relax... really relax.

For getting fit (I am by for not fit!) I am doing swimming and other things.

But bowling is my #1 hobby right now.... (next to swordplay )
Sebastian Koch
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Re: Poll: Do you ever get bored of Bowling?
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2008, 03:15:01 PM »
Mr. 298
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Re: Poll: Do you ever get bored of Bowling?
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2008, 03:24:06 PM »
not really, i do baseball as well as bowling, i get bored with baseball faster than bowling. Even tho im rly good at baseball, i do get bored with it, but not bowling.


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Re: Poll: Do you ever get bored of Bowling?
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2008, 03:41:03 PM »
Lately I have been getting bored bowling on some of the easy house shots I encounter. I think what really turns me off about it is watching people string 6,7,8 in a row hitting 5, 10, and 15 at the arrows along the way. Meanwhile I struggle to carry consistantly throwing it with far more accuracy. What really carry's me into the next season is bowling in my summer sport shot league. I really enjoy the challege of having to play the lanes different every single week and wish that there were leagues that offered this challege in the winter. Does anyone else ever feel this way?


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Re: Poll: Do you ever get bored of Bowling?
« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2008, 03:44:14 PM »
Nope got 3 kids at home, i would bowl 4 nights a week if I still had my nuts tell the wife to get them off the wall for me sometime.

Yeah get burnt out right before Christmas every year and then seem to pick up 7-8 sticks a game from January through year end. Dont know why but look at charts leagues have handed me over the years and it is like clock work.


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Re: Poll: Do you ever get bored of Bowling?
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2008, 03:44:35 PM »
Honestly when I start to lose interest I go to the pro shop and buy new equipment---usually happens bout once every 8 months or so but it keeps my interest in the game
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Re: Poll: Do you ever get bored of Bowling?
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2008, 03:44:57 PM »

The passion I have for bowling right now, resembles an EKG graph!  I mean, the lines go up and down like ... well you know what I mean...  This year is the first I'm bowling during the summer.  Chose to do so with working on my game in mind.  However, I've learned the 'mental' rollercoaster from the fall has carried over to the summer!  It's still frustrating the heck out of me.  The inconsistent performance.  Think to damn much and it's bothering me to no end!

Strong possibility of 'burn out', yet at times I feel psyched about hitting the lanes!  By all means, I'm not a perfectionist but I'm sure everyone knows and feels good when it come together but suffer from trying to replicate that 'feel'.

Bowling is about a relaxed effort.  So why can't I relax like I use to?  LOL .. you can tell I've been in a slump of Biblical proportions

Questions (for any who care to answer)....

1) How many times have you felt like you've bowled well, yet scores don't reflect?  I mean HONESTLY felt like you were executing better than you've been but feel really bummed at the outcome

2) Felt like you were finally out of your slump, yet have a serious problem maintaining the consistency?  I mean, 150, 230, 140 type scoring (on THS nonetheless!!!!)

I play softball in 2 leagues.  Fish every chance I get.  Always maintain a positive attitude, but bowling, the sport that I was better doing during the introduction period of resin (had a much higher avg back then), is becoming my nemesis ...  Guess I like the torture *sigh*



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Re: Poll: Do you ever get bored of Bowling?
« Reply #9 on: June 19, 2008, 03:56:17 PM »
No, the challenge is still there to be better.  and there is still a lot of $$$ to be made.
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Re: Poll: Do you ever get bored of Bowling?
« Reply #10 on: June 19, 2008, 03:59:55 PM »
No, I've never gotten bored with bowling.

My problem is the rollercoaster emotional highs and lows that occasional 600-700 series cause when spread amongst my more typical low series and slumps.  It's an addiction where the occasional rewards keep making me come back for more punishment.

I'm fighting just to keep a 190ish average.

You guys who get bored with the so called "high scoring pace" just piss me off.

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Re: Poll: Do you ever get bored of Bowling?
« Reply #11 on: June 19, 2008, 04:00:56 PM »
Yes I get bored with bowling all the time.  However, what else is there to do in the winter?
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Re: Poll: Do you ever get bored of Bowling?
« Reply #12 on: June 19, 2008, 07:18:43 PM »
I haven't gotten bored with bowling, I still find time to golf and do other things but I am really enjoying my summer league this year.


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Re: Poll: Do you ever get bored of Bowling?
« Reply #13 on: June 19, 2008, 07:20:50 PM »
So far I haven't, I'm still young and to an extent getting into it (this is just my third year).
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Re: Poll: Do you ever get bored of Bowling?
« Reply #14 on: June 19, 2008, 08:27:06 PM »
In 30+ years, I have not gotten bored with bowling.  I have become very frustrated after working hard on my game and not seeing improvement.  I have considered tossing in the towel many times over the 3+ years working with my coach.  I never did quit.

There are times I don't feel like getting out and practicing like I did.  Those times are usually when life becomes hectic, as in the past few weeks.  Even though I haven't been practicing, I look forward to leagues.
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