We run a holiday sale for Xmas ball/bag/shoes. We then found out that we needed to run two packages because there were those that were happy with a basic plastic ball beginner package and then all the "substitutes" from those that didn't want those shoes, or that bag or that ball. So now we run two holiday packages, one for beginners (plastic ball) and an intermediate package (ball at the Hammer Vibe level but three choices). And we STILL have people that want to substitute this ball, or those shoes or that bag. Its endless. You give them a deal and they are still not happy. Its very frustrating and time consuming and hard to deal with when it comes to exchanging parts of the "package". That's the problem with ball/bag and shoes packages and its not as easy as it would seem to implement. If you play hard nose with the required parts of the package you alienate customers.
Dealing with the public is not easy and in some ways harder in the pro shop business. I've been in retail for years, not bowling related. And never seen the hard drive for "discounts", "deals", "haggling" , "freebies" that seems to be part of the bowling business. In fact expected from the bowlers of their pro shops. Its really quite unbelievable and unlike most other retail businesses.
So we keep trying to find new ways to keep the bowling customer happy and still make a living.