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Author Topic: POLL: Should league bowlers get a pro shop discount?  (Read 7657 times)


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POLL: Should league bowlers get a pro shop discount?
« on: August 17, 2009, 01:09:44 PM »
Not talking about your ball a month regular customer, but your average every day league bowler... Is it right that they expect a discount?

Nick Smith ... A.K.A. BrunsNick
Brunswick -=- PBA 03-09
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Nick Smith
Digital Media Manager - Brunswick Bowling



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Re: POLL: Should league bowlers get a pro shop discount?
« Reply #61 on: August 19, 2009, 02:45:45 PM »
I can't really see the reason for a League Bowler Discount.....May only buy one ball a year and then have it discounted doesn't seem like great business sense to me.

Now a repeat customer discount makes complete sense to me. If someone is going to come in over and over then I would think a discount would be possible to say thank you for your continued support.

“Every now and then when your life gets complicated and the weasels start closing in, the only cure is to load up on heinous chemicals and then drive like a b@$tard from Hollywood to Las Vegas ... with the music at top volume and at least a pint of ether.”

Now here was a VERY intelligent post.....

Nice post sir....


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Re: POLL: Should league bowlers get a pro shop discount?
« Reply #62 on: August 19, 2009, 02:56:38 PM »
Straight answer is no, they should not expect a discount, but it is not wrong to ask for a discount, they have all the right to ask we have all the right to say "NO".  But usually I won't say no, I'll say "what are you looking for? I am pretty sure we can work something out, let's find out what we are looking at and see what we can do."  All car salesman say this, LMAO.

Nick, yes "What is my price?" is my favorite, my answer in my mind is "your price is on the f***king wall you f**ktard, now what's your name?" of course I  would never say that.

The way I look at it, good/bad economy is the same, whatever it takes to maximize your profit, whatever it takes to close a sales but still make a profit, sometimes discount is ok.
Neil Lau

Owner of Super Bowl Pro Shop, CA


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Re: POLL: Should league bowlers get a pro shop discount?
« Reply #63 on: August 19, 2009, 03:15:16 PM »
They should not be obligated to offer a discount. Even if they said a 15% discount, most people who pay internet prices would still not thinkk they were getting a deal. Discounts at most pro-shops go to the people who regularly buy equipment/services there. I buy maybe 3 or 4 balls a year, but NEVER pay the pro shops advertised price. In the beginning I did, but the more business I bring him, the more reasonable he is. My Pro Shop operator cannot compete with the Internet, but when you want what you want NOW the pro shop is the way to go. I send my friends there too, if they need a good driller. I don't even bowl regular at the house where my equipment is drilled. The main house where I bowl has had several changes in ownership in the past 4 years, so I never was a regular at that pro shop. I still buy some stuff (occasionally) off the internet, but the advantage to the pro shop is actually beiing able to discuss exactly what you want before buying.

Perfect Approach Pro Shop

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Re: POLL: Should league bowlers get a pro shop discount?
« Reply #64 on: August 19, 2009, 03:18:52 PM »
When I managed the Pro Shop in our local center I gave 10% to all league bowlers. Now that I am on my own as an owner I give 10%-20% to my regulars depending on the frequency they buy. If it means that I lose $10-$20 on a $200 sale to keep them current an making a purchase they would not normally make then it is worth it.
J. Helton
Perfect Approach Pro Shop
J. Helton
Perfect Approach Pro Shop

Mike Austin

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Re: POLL: Should league bowlers get a pro shop discount?
« Reply #65 on: August 19, 2009, 04:15:30 PM »
I gave 10% off to the league bowlers, but I did not publicize it.  If they asked okay, but I didn't go around telling everyone.  Most all of them were or became my customers anyway.  Getting people in the door was not the problem.  I was trying to make a living, didn't want to give 10% of myself away.

Remember, most shops PAY to be in that particular bowling center for a reason, if the location has lots of league bowlers, that's why the shop guy wants to be there, and the rent could be higher because of this demand.  The shop probably can't add on to this expense by giving a blanket discount.

I can see were jls is coming from.  If you "expect" me to give you a discount, or "demand" a discount in order to make the sale, uhh not happening.  I asked a couple very rude people what would happen if their boss came and asked them to do terrific, fast, high quality work, putting him at the front of their list of tasks, and oh yeah, you need to take a pay cut?  What would you do?

I gave discounts to my "loyal" customers.  The ones that were loyal to me and not to price, the ones that brought me more customers that paid full price.  I tried to take care of those people.

Mike Austin's Bowling Dynamix Pro Shops
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Re: POLL: Should league bowlers get a pro shop discount?
« Reply #66 on: August 19, 2009, 08:00:56 PM »
The loyalty issue is big in my book.  We want to reward our return customers, want to keep them.  And we do.  Someone walks in off the street, I've never seen them before, with a ball they bought (who knows where) and begs a discount.  Why should I give one to them?  

But here's another problem.  If you constantly give a 10 or 15% discount for no reason other then they are breathing, then when it comes to a holiday or a speacial occasion you have to dig even deeper into your profits to offer a deal.  And believe me, the distributors do not give discounts at any rate where I could offer a special deal for some holiday.  



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Re: POLL: Should league bowlers get a pro shop discount?
« Reply #67 on: August 19, 2009, 08:15:59 PM »
JLS in his brutal honesty is 100% right.


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Re: POLL: Should league bowlers get a pro shop discount?
« Reply #68 on: August 19, 2009, 09:25:32 PM »
I find it rather interesting that several of the "no discount" answers came from people who do a fair amount of selling online.  To sell online, you typically either get something discounted, sell something discounted, or try to see how much higher you can sell something over what you paid for it.

Within reason, sellers want huge profits, and buyers want to pay cost.  But it seems somewhat hypocritical to say that you should be able to sell something for what you want, even cheaper to an online customer than to a "regular" customer, but a buyer shouldn't have any way to make the deal more favorable for them.

Nothing to add to Nick's survey, I just found it amusing.
Telling it like it is.

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Re: POLL: Should league bowlers get a pro shop discount?
« Reply #69 on: August 19, 2009, 09:33:58 PM »
i dont typically give discounts at all, i am flexible with certain customers to make the sale and keep them happy. i run a much smaller operation so cost of sales are always a big factor for me.  

i also believe that i am offering my customers a service, if they can get it cheaper without the service, thats fine with me, but dont come to me afterwards and expect me to either fix any mistakes, open holes, alter surfaces, etc without expecting me to charge you full price for it...


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Re: POLL: Should league bowlers get a pro shop discount?
« Reply #70 on: August 20, 2009, 10:12:37 AM »
JLS in his brutal honesty is 100% right.

First, thank you.... It nice to see that some people have the ability to understand.....

A 10% discount on a $200 ball is $20.... That ball may cost the shop $140.
So is the shop was making just $60,  they just gave 33% of their profits....

But if the shop giving the 10% discount is selling the ball for $240.... Then the 10% discount is $24....  and the final cost is $216......

So where is the real savings.........

I don't see too many shops that have ADJUSTED their prices during this TOUGH
ECONOMY, giving huge discounts....

What I do see is discounts offered by those shops with HIGH prices....

In my shop,  I get asked just about everyday,  "Do these prices include drilling"  or  "how much do you charge to drill"   When someone ask that question,  that's a good indication that your prices are not HIGH......

Some people get so caught in B.S. 10% off deals, that they don't even realize that they are not getting a great deal after all....

Pizza,  lets talk pizza...  Now every pizza place has a $3 off coupon on a large or family etc.....   Last week at a birthday party, we were going to order 5 JUMBO pizza's,   at a cost of about $27 each.... We had 1 coupon for $3 off 1 pizza....Now I simply asked them,  are you going to give me the $3 off each pizza... yes or no....

Kinda sorta thinking.... YES...  of course,  cause $3 off is really their standard price...  That coupon runs 365 days a year.... Therefore you ain't saving a dime....  That's their regular price.... And if you are stupid enough to buy a pizza without a coupon, your getting screwed.....

The point you ask.... 10% discount on a higher price is no deal at all....
10% off a low price is a super deal.....  But as I pointed out,  if a shop does that,  he is giving away almost 33% of his profits.... That ain't smart in any economy......

Also 92% of all balls we sell, are in stock!!!!!!!

I just love it when some house hack who pounds a keyboard all day tries to act like he's Mr. Joe pro retailer....

And then knocks real pro shops....

Yet do you think for 1 minute,  these hacks would give their boss a discount...
And work 8 hrs. for 6 hrs. pay.....Ya right... talk is cheap..

Next time you want a discount from a store, why not think about giving your boss a discount and work for 33% less.....

Now we all know, that ain't going to happen......

Now those of you that DON"T LIKE TO HEAR THE TRUTH, put me on you childish iggy list... do you really think I care...............

And for the rest of you,  thank you for listening or replying...

Edited on 8/20/2009 10:59 AM


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Re: POLL: Should league bowlers get a pro shop discount?
« Reply #71 on: August 20, 2009, 10:17:28 AM »
i dont typically give discounts at all, i am flexible with certain customers to make the sale and keep them happy. i run a much smaller operation so cost of sales are always a big factor for me.  

i also believe that i am offering my customers a service, if they can get it cheaper without the service, thats fine with me, but dont come to me afterwards and expect me to either fix any mistakes, open holes, alter surfaces, etc without expecting me to charge you full price for it...

Here is a fine example of a pro shop that takes PRIDE in his work... And IS NOT AFRAID to charge a decent price for his work....

But as we all know.... Many bowlers are not interested in quality work... They want cheap....

They buy used junk on Ebay and then pay to get it drill for them...

A serious bowler KNOWS the importance of quality work.....

Now no one wants to pay thru the roof...  but many know,  you get what you pay for...  in the long run....

enough said

you all have a nice day....

Womens golf starts Friday......


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Re: POLL: Should league bowlers get a pro shop discount?
« Reply #72 on: August 20, 2009, 10:33:38 AM »
I'll add my two cents.....

I try as best as I can to keep my prices as low as possible. I keep the prices within a few dollars of the internet websites, then add in the cost of drilling.
I let the customer know this upfront. 99% of the time the customer will purchase from me, instead of the internet. I also welcome those that purchase balls from the internet, and simply charge the customer for the drilling.

When a customer becomes a frequent purchaser, I will throw in a free drill now and then, or a free oil removal (revivor oven), or something of that nature. It gives that customer a reward for his loyalty. I also let him know that I appreciate his business.

Customers who walk in the shop and ask "what's your best price" or "what's MY price" get the same price as everyone else, with the explanation listed above.
Gary Palma
Owner of X-act Reaction pro shop at Ideal Lanes
PBA Member

Edited on 8/20/2009 8:43 PM
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Re: POLL: Should league bowlers get a pro shop discount?
« Reply #73 on: August 20, 2009, 10:48:58 AM »
The bowling center owns the shop I drill in.  The center manager sets prices,all of which include drilling but not grips and slugs.  Only she can offer discounts and she seldom does.  I like it this way because I don't have to get involved in haggling, I just send customers to the manager.  The shop is considered a convenience for our bowlers, not a profit center.  Pricing is low on plastic balls ($64.95), competitive on mid-line balls, and high on top end balls ($220 - $240).  This structure encourages the junior bowlers and new bowlers to buy their own ball.  We stock plastic balls and a few entry level reactive resin balls and special order the mid line and top end balls.  We have set what I consider to be a competitive price on drilling internet balls, $60 + tax which includes a slug and finger grips.  I give the same service to those who choose to buy over the internet as those that buy from the center, but no warranty protection other than on my work, and then only to fix any mistake I make.  The closest shop to ours is about 40 miles and if customers want to go to that trouble to get a slightly lower price that's fine, just don't expect me to do free work on those balls.  For our customers I do most surface work at no charge and provide help with their game if they want it, also at no charge.  --  JohnP