I bowl in a 5-member 1075 capped scratch league with a 32 point system (1 point per person and 3 for team game for each game plus totals). We only have 2 weeks left because we must get done before WIBC Nationals and we have clinched first place in this league. The real kicker is that we are 4th in total pins. I can see us maybe sneaking into first by a few points and winning, but we are 65 points ahead of second.
Last night, we bowled the second place team and they should have thoroughly whipped us based on total pins. We lost totals by 150 pins, so we really should have lost a ton of points, but we still managed to pull out 12.5 points. We still lost more than we won, but judging by total pins, we should not have even been in the building.
This is my first year in this league, but has anyone else won a scratch league but been soundly beat in total pins?