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Author Topic: POLL: Who mandates how the game is going to be played in the future?  (Read 1434 times)


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Question:  Who mandates what is being used now and in the future for bowling equipment and how the game is played?

Your choices.

1.)  ABC/WIBC/YABA/USBC etal.  They make the rules and if you are bowling in sanctioned competition this is what you are using for rules.

2.)  Bowling ball manufactures.  They make they equipment you are going to use.

3.)  Bowling center proprietors.  They own the places/centers we bowl in.  

4.)  None of the above

We'd like to hear who you chose and why.  I am sure there are many factors here but what one thing stands out to you!




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Re: POLL: Who mandates how the game is going to be played in the future?
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2004, 12:59:19 PM »
As far as the equipment goes, right now I'd say the ball manufacturers do.  They have these ancient guidelines the ABC set years ago for hardness and diameter and weighting of the ball, but other than that it seems they are free to press whatever envelope they choose.  Right now, the cat is out of the bag, and he's not going back in without a fight!  IMO, the ABC (whatever it's called now) is pretty much powerless against the manufacturers - the only thing they could do is accept what is already out and maybe regulate things outside of what already exists, but that's about it.

Rules, well, right now I don't think anybody does.  Until someone (probably a group of people with a ton of influence in the game)steps forward and actually proclaims "We will no longer be doing this as it's always been done" bowling rules will not change.  Seems everyone wants to just keep it the way it is - bowlers as a whole are not ready to undertake the challenges of revamping the game from what they've always known it to be.

Right now, the proprietors (I think) seem to care less as a whole for the organized competitive aspect of bowling.  The en vogue thing now is to bet your chickens on open bowlers and birthday parties.


Keep your balls on the lane and your mind in the gutter!
Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep...

I wonder where they went? ;)


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Re: POLL: Who mandates how the game is going to be played in the future?
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2004, 01:29:39 PM »
Whoever has the most money and right now that is not the ABC.

I would say the proprietors. They make money off both the bowling and (assuming they run the proshop) the proshop sales as well. They could stop all the ball tech by simply putting out a lot less oil. But that would make the customers unhappy being unable to use their new hook monsters.

The ABC (USBC) will continue to set the playing rules but will give the leeway to the manufactures and proprietors to do as they want.  

Edited on 9/21/2004 1:21 PM


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Re: POLL: Who mandates how the game is going to be played in the future?
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2004, 02:30:17 AM »
I'm going to have choose the bowling center proprietors. Due to the fact that decades ago people could walk into centers with one bowling ball and know that it would work uniformly the same in any house, and that nowadays we need at least 3 balls for a local league and usually 5-8 bowling balls for any given tournament house that you may never have bowled on before. There are so many factors that the bowling center has control of that affect the equipment that will be used in a given house- be it the oil they put out, the amount on each lane, where it is placed, the conditions within the center (how well maintained the lanes are).

You have a governing body that sanctions what conditions have to be on the lanes to be considered legal, but as everyone knows from house to house you can see flat floods, THS of short oil/long oil variety, reverse blocks, crowns and blends in between...this has necessitated the use of a variety of bowling balls to meet the changing bowling environment.


Edited on 9/22/2004 2:22 AM


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Re: POLL: Who mandates how the game is going to be played in the future?
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2004, 11:18:17 AM »
While everything said here is true, we the bowlers still have the ability to control things more than anybody!  We are the masses!  Remember supply and demand?  Well right now we ARE being brainwashed as somebody else here said, and we are letting the ball manufacturers and centers dictate to us what will be put on the lanes and how the game will be played.

I wanna change all of that.  This board is proof that there are people out there that want a better sport of bowling.  There IS in fact a demand for tighter ball restrictions, tighter oiling restrictions, and just an overall fairer game of bowling!

The bowling center proprietor HAS to listen to us (even though many numbskull proprietors aren't currently listening) because it's dollars and cents to them.  Look at all of the "good" bowlers out there that bowl their one or two leagues per week, and NEVER practice.  Now what if we could get just 5% of those bowlers to want to practice?  With tighter restrictions and more education as to why it's better for the sport, the good bowlers will want to practice more so they can still shoot their big scores.

In other words, let's just look at the sport shot.  I currently offer to bowling centers what I call the Sport Shot Open Bowling Program.  One, two, or three days a week, the center can oil 4-10 lanes with PBA patterns or sport shots during off peak times (2nd shifts, 9:30pm).  There is a growing demand for sport bowling as people have bowled in my sport tournaments and have loved the challenge.  The word is spreading fast!  So looking at the Battle Creek, MI area, I have about 4 or 5 guys at least that WANT to practice on sport shots because they see the benefits.  There's 2 centers in Battle Creek, and I can't get either one of them to put this shot out!  MORONS!  Sooooooo, these guys will travel 15-20 minutes to find the sport shot, and that center will benefit by doing this.  4-5 extra guys per week paying $10 all you can bowl from 9:30-close, that adds up.  And after a while, the 4-5 will start growing to about 8-10, then maybe 15-20.  You're crazy if you think the Battle Creek bowling centers don't catch wind of this by the time they start getting 40-50 people coming out per week to practice on it!

It is us here at BR that believe in tighter restrictions that need to help educate the other bowlers in our areas as to how the game could be better!  If we want this bad enough and truly believe that bowling could be a real sport again with tighter restrictions, then we can lead the industry in whichever direction we want it to go.

So Scott, my answer to your question is 5) We the bowlers do!

We've just been led to believe otherwise.

Famous Last Words of a Pot Bowler--"Ok, but this is my last game!"

Famous Last Words of a Pot Bowler--"Ok, but this is my last game!"


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Re: POLL: Who mandates how the game is going to be played in the future?
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2004, 11:55:45 AM »
Well right now we ARE being brainwashed as somebody else here said, and we are letting the ball manufacturers and centers dictate to us what will be put on the lanes and how the game will be played.

Well said Brian.

So Scott, my answer to your question is 5) We the bowlers do!

We've just been led to believe otherwise.


I was waiting for that!  Kind of a loaded question/poll.  

So how do WE as bowlers organize to change what WE want???  Going thru sanctioning bodies sure doesn't seem to work...we've been doing that a long time now with little results.  Grassroots seems to be where to start but how do grassroots movements organize together to be heard to be an effective group???  



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Re: POLL: Who mandates how the game is going to be played in the future?
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2004, 01:24:50 PM »
Bones, it's because you've been brainwashed to believe what you just said.  Nobody has ever questioned the status quo, or ever REALLY tried to change things.

One thing never stops amazing me--how many people truly want to see our sport flourish once again.  I see if everyday, at least once a day from somebody new!  The only obstacle to this point has been that nobody knew how to do anything about it.  And nothing inspires me more than hearing people say it can't be done!

My business has basically been "researching" for the past 3 years.  Last summer I then started to run sport tournaments around the state.  We averaged about 30 bowlers per event, and many people before that told me that people have big egos and will never give it a shot.  This summer we averaged over 40, and averaged 50 for our least 3 events.  I've watched with my own eyes as people changed right before me.  People who said bowling is dead and that sport bowling was a failure, BOWLED IN MY SPORT TOURNAMENTS THIS SUMMER!  In only 1 year's time, I've watched people change their opinions and open their minds.

People who know me well know that I don't lie.  I'm not making this up.  Things are already changing, but it may still be a while before the direction takes a full turn in the positive direction.  The more people like Scott that believe it is possible, the faster that turn can happen!  

I am currently working on many new programs to accelerate the revival of our sport.  Let's keep talking about it, so that we can make sure we are going in the right direction.

Famous Last Words of a Pot Bowler--"Ok, but this is my last game!"

Famous Last Words of a Pot Bowler--"Ok, but this is my last game!"