Based on your current arsenal, I would focus on a quality pair of shoes first. For many people, a good pair of shoes will give them more benefit than a new ball. The main shoe companies are Dexter, 3G and Etonic. Brunswick shoes are/were made by Dexter. They all have their pluses and minuses. I personally use the predecessor to 3G (ABS Tour Ultras). But others have loved the Dexters and the Etonics also. I chose mine because at the time they were different and nobody had them. Here is my assessment of the version I have:
Pros -
Nice solid black
Adjustable sole and heel
Felt broken in
Cons -
Heel can be temperamental (this is the only con I have, but is a big deal to me)
Your current arsenal should allow you to perform just fine on a THS. When you are ready to get a new ball, look to replacing something in your line-up before you just go out and get some ball everyone is saying is the best ever. Here is how I see your current arsenal:
Heavy - Fury
Heavy/Medium - Inferno
Medium - Smoking Inferno
Medium/Light - Rampage
Light - Power Groove
Once you start back up, look to see where you are missing something or if something isn't performing as you want. You may see yourself using your Fury a lot and that would guide you where to look. If you are using your Power Groove a lot, then you need to look someplace totally different.
No matter what you do, good luck and welcome back.
I am not a pro-bowler, but I do play one on