In my personal life I have many reasons to give thanks!
However, I'd like to just talk bowling for this post.
I give thanks for the Knowledge I have learned on this site!
1. Some criticism I have received on this site I believe has been constructive for me this year. This year I have had an improvement by reducing my Axis rotation, improving my flat spot, a slight increase in speed and carry. This is helping me to be more than just a guy you don't want to face on oil in a tournament! Starting to be able to move up a tad in higher friction league bowling!
2. Competition. Thank you for putting me this year right next to two of the best throwing left handers in my area of the state right next to me every week. These elite state bowlers give me a picture of how to throw it and what the reaction should look like and each week as I attempt to hang or beat them every week. I am not winning, but I am winning if you know what I mean and hanging more often!
3. Ball reaction. As this tricky house for lefties confounds most heavy handed slower bowlers and rewards the speed dominant or light handed I have watched the reaction, taken some tips from drill sheets from the site and found one of the best equipment matches I have seen for lefties on this shot! It seems with tips I have learned here I and a little more knowledge on Assymentric balls I am starting to really squeeze some strong dramatic benefits from them on the right shots!
It is fun to get better and be in one of those phases!
PS it seems I am really starting to see the interplay of cover versus core or tires vs engine of my balls and figure out what I want more of, and from what source, and at what point in the lane. Thanks ball reviews!