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Author Topic: Pots in league.  (Read 2856 times)


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Pots in league.
« on: January 25, 2017, 08:17:27 PM »
I don't feel like thinking through numbers because of the last couple days being rough. I want to make a pot where first game the winner is scratch game, second place is pins over average, and third game is handicap game. Is it possible to win a handicap game and not win pins over average? How would you guys format that pot? It will just be a small thing with $5 to be in pots all 3 games. Just a little extra fun for the night



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Re: Pots in league.
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2017, 10:01:00 PM »
I think I'm mis-reading your approach .. I see your proposal as each game having a different goal .. Ist game is high scratch game .. 2nd game is most pins over average and third game is high handicap score .. since it is three different events it is possible for one bowler to win all three pots .. sorry if I mis-read your approach!
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Re: Pots in league.
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2017, 10:49:44 PM »
I suppose I could have worded it better, but I was finally able to think through everything so I figured it out. The winner of a handicap game doesn't necessarily have to be the bowler with the most pins over average, correct?
And in this format, it is possible for one bowler to win all the pots. It is a different goal each game. I just was wondering if most pins over average and handicap game go hand in hand, making the change of name a null point


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Re: Pots in league.
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2017, 12:52:57 AM »
I think the average distribution of the league will determine if "high handicap game" and "most over average" would tend to be the same.

If your league has bowlers that are under 10 pins of handicap (or even scratch) and decent bowlers in the 180's for average, I think it is conceivable that these 2 events would have different outcomes/winners. 

if the average distribution is a big cluster, say 190-210 for example with outliers above and below; I think the potential that "high handicap game" and "most over average" end up largely working the same increases.


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Re: Pots in league.
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2017, 07:10:16 AM »
I think the average distribution of the league will determine if "high handicap game" and "most over average" would tend to be the same.


I would maybe think of a mystery doubles handicap for game two. You would need an even number of participants, or if you plan on always getting in, you could be the 'x' factor and bow out to make the numbers even.


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Re: Pots in league.
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2017, 08:57:04 AM »
Any time the handicap has less than 100% from a base, then you can have a different winner between pins over average and high handicap.

Handicap is 90% of 220.
Bowler A has 210 average (9 pins handicap)
Bowler B has 170 average (45 pins handicap)
Bowler A shoots 240 (249 w/hdcp) and Bowler B shoots 201 (246 w/hdcp).  Bowler A wins high handicap.  However, Bowler A was 30 pins over and Bowler B was 31 pins over, thus Bowler B would win the most over average.

These type of things can be fun, but we bowlers aren't the brightest bunch.  I can see some confusion occurring where someone complains because they thought it was one type of pot for game 2 when in actuality it was another.

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Re: Pots in league.
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2017, 09:55:20 AM »
Also, just keep in mind that most bowlers are very cheap, so even for small stakes like $5, some won't like it if they feel like one of those formats (scratch, handicap, pins over) doesn't suit them. If I did this at my center, I could easily see guys not getting in because they would claim that it's not worth paying to be in all three games when they are only likely to win one of them. I think your idea is okay, but you have at ask yourself about the bowlers you're dealing with.   


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Re: Pots in league.
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2017, 10:47:46 AM »
Is it possible to win a handicap game and not win pins over average?

Sure. If Those are 3 separate games.

Just because someone wins the 3rd game handicap pot, doesn't mean they bowled over average the 2nd game.

Now if the pots were all in one game, that might be a different story. The person that was POA might probably would win the handicap also.

But A higher ave. player who doesn't shoot as much POA as the POA winner. Could Still have a score + handicap that is still higher than the POA winner.

But it would just depend on the handicaps and averages of the players and the scores shot.

« Last Edit: January 26, 2017, 10:49:45 AM by Aloarjr810 »
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Re: Pots in league.
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2017, 03:46:25 AM »
In the main league I bowl in, it's $5 for the high game pots that give you entry to all three games. Games 1 and 3 are high handicap game, game 2 is high scratch game. With 88 bowlers in the league, we usually average about 60 bowlers getting in weekly, making the pots about $100 each game. I think the high pins over average game would be very confusing for some bowlers to understand if they were to win that particular game or not.



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Re: Pots in league.
« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2017, 08:57:53 AM »
I really am terrible at explanations. It is three separate games, but one entry to be in all three. With an inability to ask my question in an understandable way, I think I'm just going to withdraw my question lol. What could be difficult to understand about pins over average?