Can't let loose of all the comments about"power" in bowling. Most were that it takes "revs", "speed", "axis rotationl", "tilt". All inferring a masculine type of power.
Now, I've had the pleasure, and good luck to have bowled around some of the top women bowlers. 95% of them don't do all these power things, but they can strike all day. One thing in common they all have is the ability to use the oil, not the dry, to position their ball. Secondly, they position their ball to have the best chance of a strike(angle). Third, they control their breakpoint to be as close to the pocket as they can. Last but not least most of them have revs that match up to their speed. I would bet most of them are covering around 21" of floor for each rev. when their ball hits the pins. Combine that with the close in breakpoint they all have and you have "power.
So, power can be other things besides high revs, high speed, lots of axis rotation. It is also putting all the mechanics together in the proper way.