Don't be an ignorant macho fool, who's asking to be permanently crippled!
So you won't quit on your teammates? Are they that selfish that they'd risk your being crippled? Not very good friends, are they or don't they realize what could happen to you?
If that all seems a bit harsh, it's because I've been there and am there right now. I had carpal tunnel surgery 10 years ago on my right hand and I'm right handed. I started bowling again about 3 months later and have not had one pain and no numbness since then. I'm going to have CT sugery on my left hand next Friday, Jan 20th. Diagnosis is moderate to severe CT.
From all current information, current CT surgery is significant less problematic than 10 years ago; the incision is not about 3/4" vs the 3" scar ai have on my right hand. STitches are now removed in 1 week instead of 3 weeks and the doctor said I can use it again in about 4 weeks to do almost anything I want.
I think you ought to ask the doctor (or look on the internet) for the details of what involved with CT. It's tendonitis of all the tendons going into your fingers. They are swollen and are CRUSHING the median nerve going throught the Carpal Tunnel in your wrist. If the tendons stay swollen, the damage to your nerve will become permanent. That nerve transmits nerve signals to your thumb, forefinger, middle finger and 1/2 of your ring finger.
The tendons are swollen because you are using too much muscle and the tendons supporting those muscles are pressured beyond what they are supposed to stand. After you have surgery, some muscle building is probably recommended in the wrist, forearm and hand. Otherwise, the tendonitis will probably spread up your foreaarm.
"...for advice is a dangerous gift, even from the wise to the wise...."
J. R. R. Tolkien